

Let's grow together

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.  Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.”

– Matthew 13:31-32

Sowing into the Kingdom of God by supporting our ministries allows You to share in the most amazing, thrilling, exciting, and miraculous things God is doing all around the world!  The seed offerings you sow – even as small as a mustard seed- are essential in spreading the Word of God to all nations.  When you sow into our ministries you are uniting with us and God in developing a crop of souls sold out for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; ultimately producing a harvest of hearts for the Kingdom of Heaven!  Watch as the Lord opens up the floodgates of heaven and richly pours blessings into your life as you join us in the mission of God’s heart.


Isaiah 53 Ministry

Isaiah 53 Ministry is an outreach ministry that was birthed out of our love for people and the Word of God. We simply desire to help those in need by buying up individually packed food items and drinks to place in grocery bags along with Bibles to hand out to people. In this way we can advance the Kingdom of God by showing the love of Jesus to those who have fallen on hard times and who need to know there is a Savior who loves them and gave his life for them.

If you would like to support this ministry, any funds will help us continue to buy food and Bibles for those in need. We appreciate your support!

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GodInspire Photography

Combining passion for Yeshua, His Word, and photography, GodInspire Photography seeks to capture and express the beauty of God’s creations and bring their story to life using life-giving scripture. The heart of GodInspire Photography is to inspire people to see God in their life and how much he loves them.

By supporting GodInspire Photography, you will be supporting all our other ministries. Thank you!! Please check out our online store featured on by clicking the support ministry button below.

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Altared Heart Apparel

Altared Heart Apparel was a creative download from Jesus (Yeshua) that has a double meaning behind the name. When we come to believe in Jesus our hearts are not just changed, but altared. When we fully surrender to Jesus’ love for us we are laying down our hearts on his altar and asking him to change us from the inside out – to cut out our heart of flesh and give us a heart like his – one full of compassion, love, and truth.

When you support Altared Heart Apparel you are supporting all our other ministries. Thank you so much! Click the support ministry button below to check out our online store featured on

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Blessed Truths