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On New Year’s Day 2017 I had a God encounter that Forever changed my life…  The Lord had already started to awaken me in the Spirit as to what time it is and where we are sitting at on the Biblical time clock in 2015, but it wasn’t till 2016 that the Lord really began giving me a lot of profound dreams and visions while I was at graduate school confirming to me just how close we are to the Rapture of the Church Bride of Christ!  I came in from school for the holidays after having all these overwhelming revelations from the Lord and was staying at my Mom’s house, believing that the Lord was going to rapture us up to heaven while I was there!

It was New Year’s Eve on a Saturday and I thought to myself: what better time could the Lord Rapture us out of this world than during the midnight hour of the brand New Year?!!!  Needless to say, I was so ready to hear that midnight cry!  So I decided to stay up till 12:00 AM to hear the countdown till New Year’s Day with my Mom.  Afterwards, I went to bed and laid down somewhat disappointed that we were not raptured up at exactly midnight, but still waiting on the Lord to take us up at any moment!  Then I drifted off to sleep…

At 8:00 AM the next morning I was still lying in bed with my eyes closed and the first thing I felt was this overwhelming sensation in my heart that felt like this deep-seated hurt, burden, or resentment…  It felt like I had a big splinter in my heart so to speak.  This was not the first time I felt this before, in fact, I had been experiencing it consistently for the past couple of weeks and it was significantly hindering my prayers to the Lord which was negatively affecting my relationship with him.  This sensation in my heart felt like a deep wound that would not go away even as much as I prayed and I couldn’t understand why.  I would get alone with the Lord to pray about nearly everybody and everything I could possibly pray about, searching my heart over for the root cause of this hurt, but I still could not figure out where it was stemming from – I just could not put my finger on it!

That morning on New Year’s Day, I was through!  I had my last straw with this feeling that was consistently keeping me in this place of resentment toward God and I absolutely did not want that anymore.  So right then and there I asked the Lord what this feeling in my heart was and to make it go away!  Instantly I felt this unusual heaviness on my chest like a stone weighing down my heart with this HUGE burden.  I had experienced this same kind of heaviness years ago when the Lord laid it urgently on my heart to pray in the Spirit for someone who I later found out was my Grandpa Gammons, who had just been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

I turned over on my left side with this heaviness in my heart and my eyes still closed and I said to the Lord, “If I never open my eyes again, if I never see another thing, or hear another sound in this world, Lord I’m ready to go.  I’m ready to go home.”  I flipped back over on my back and I suddenly felt this heat like a fireball hit my chest and explode this stone-like heaviness covering my heart!  Suddenly it felt like someone was pouring liquid love on top of my head running down into my whole body like love electricity!  I laid there for what seemed like 5 to 10 minutes being completely flooded, consumed, and wrapped up in the Love of the Lord like a baby resting in a blanket!  In this moment, even though I was still in my physical body, everything that was in this world meant nothing…  All the hurt, pain, sadness, stress, fear, worry, and knowledge of things in this world didn’t exist anymore even though I was still here! I was so entirely consumed by the Love of the Lord that everything I thought, everything I felt, everything I knew was his love for me!  It literally felt like I was in heaven!  This whole time I couldn’t even move nor did I want to!  It was the Best feeling and the Best Love I had ever experienced in my entire life!  I wanted to stay wrapped up in the Love of the Lord Forever!!

Once this love electricity subsided, I laid there for a little while in utter astonishment at what had just happened to me!  Then I turned over on my right side and all of a sudden I felt the most Awesome presence of the Lord God in my room!  God’s presence was so thick and tangible that it literally felt like he was standing up in my room starring straight at me with all of his power, glory, and authority!  I was absolutely stunned!  Instantaneously the immense fear of the Lord came upon me and out from my Spirit I urgently exclaimed, “Oh God!  You’re Coming!!  You’re coming Now!!!”  My Spirit just automatically knew what he meant!  God didn’t have to verbally say anything to me, my Spirit knew exactly what he was saying!  The Lord had me know in the Spirit that there was no more time!  I literally believed he was coming right then so I didn’t want to move!  I wanted to be raptured up to heaven so much, yet I also felt the urgency to get up and run to tell my sister Cassandra what just happened!  I thought I better not move if the Lord is coming right now!  So I waited a few minutes and got up enough courage to move to go tell Cassandra…

Hurriedly, I got up from my bed to dash for my bedroom door, but my feet were heavy as weights!  I got to my door and it felt like it took everything in me to get there!  I shuffled down the dark hallway as fast as I could, finally reaching Cassandra’s bedroom door out of breath with my heart racing!  I rapidly knocked on the door and called out Cassandra’s name to hear her say, “Come in.”  I stumbled into her room holding myself with my eyes shut, bawling and crying out intensely over and over again, “He’s Coming!!  He’s Coming!!  He’s Coming!!!”  Cassandra looked at me with great concern and said, “Who’s coming???”  I cried, “The Lord!!  He’s Coming!  He’s Coming Now!!  There’s no more time left!  It’s Zero Hour!  He’s Coming Now!!  He’s right at the door, just about to walk through!  We have to be Ready Now!!

This God encounter proved to me 100% that he is Real!  And I pray that it does the same for you!!  Trust me, I am no one special…  I am just a human being like anyone else!  I simply love the Lord and have decided to devote my life to him and his plans for me – that’s all!  It’s just that simple!  This shows me that Anyone can have life-changing encounters with the Lord if they are willing to do precisely what he tells them to do for his glory, honor, and praise.  So choose to take up your cross and follow him!

Additionally, the Lord gave me Extreme Urgency in my Spirit that we do not have any time left at all before the rapture of the Church Bride of Christ, so please make sure you are ready now!  The Lord is standing right at the door just about to walk in and I don’t want you to miss him when he comes!  I want you to be ready and prepared!  Please make sure you have him in your heart today!!