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The night of August 12th, 2017 – right before I went to bed I was praying to the Lord and I was asking him from the sincerity of my heart to please give me some kind of confirmation of whether or not I would be going in the rapture or not because I really did not want to have to go through the Tribulation.  I was just asking the Lord to give me a dream or a vision letting me know if I would be taken and would be able to escape going through the Tribulation period because I did not want to have any doubts in my mind about it.

So that night when I fell asleep I had a dream and in my dream it was as if I was standing in heaven and I saw this HUGE golden gate with 2 doors.  The gate was really thick and it was made of solid gold…  I mean, it looked like nothing could get through it, it was so thick!  And it was rounded in the middle top portion of the gate and as it went to each end it swooped down a little and leveled off.  As I was standing there looking at it, it was as if I knew in my heart or in my spirit that it had been built for me personally… that Yeshua had spent all this time in heaven building this gate specifically for me and no one else.  That really made me feel so special and honored.

Then, the gate opened and it was as if I was starting to walk through the gate but I stopped in the middle of the opening and did not go any farther.  I could see in through the gate and what I saw really shocked me.  I thought that I was entering heaven, but as I looked in through the gate it seemed like everything got dark and it was like I could see the earth and everything (all the trees and everything) looked black like ashes and desolate almost like it had been hit with a bomb.  Immediately after that I saw the ground of the earth turn into what appeared to be a HUGE black crater, as if the earth had been hit by a monumental meteor or asteroid.

Immediately after that, the crater I saw turned into the crater of a volcano, and then immediately following that I saw the crater turn into a dark wind that started whirling around in a humongous circle like a tornado and all of this was happening right in my face!  It was like I was so close to it I was bracing myself and I was thinking in my dream, “Oh God please don’t let me have to go through this!!!  Please!”  I was just bracing myself – holding myself back- because I did not want to go any farther and I was crying out to God to save me from having to go through it!  And sure enough, it was like it was all in my face –so close, it was like I could touch it if I moved any farther ahead, but I was not going through it.  For some reason I did not go through it, but I could see it like I was just about to go through it.  Then my dream skipped…

I was now riding in a car with one long seat in it and I was sitting in the middle.  I could not see the driver and I was the only one in the car.  The car was going down this road and it was dusk outside like it was getting darker as I went but I could still see outside.  I was looking out the front windshield as I was riding down this road.  As I was going down this road it was like the car kept swerving from one side of the road to the other -left to right and right to left–back and forth, back and forth…  There were no yellow lines in the middle of the road either. All I felt in this dream was that things were getting really crazy, I can’t say that I felt really scared- just that things were getting really out of control.  I was going down this road like this for just a little while before the car came to a complete stop and I could not go any farther.  I looked ahead of me and there was no longer a road anymore.  I had come to the end of the road…

What I saw ahead of me at first looked like a bridge or a span of red clay dirt and it went across to the other end of this road up ahead.  As I looked at the red clay dirt, it started to look red like blood.  I saw that this part of the road did not last for long, only a span of time and then it went back to being a road again, but I could not see to the other end that well.  However, for some reason there was something within me that was stopping me from going any further.  I mean, there was nothing within me that could make me go any farther!  I could not make myself go!  And in this part of my dream I felt like the span of dirt or blood that I was seeing in front of me coming up ahead stood for the Tribulation period and that I had come to the very end of the road, but I was not going to go through it.

Even though this dream was not really a rapture dream like I had hoped to have where I would be lifted up to heaven, I still believe that this dream was an answer to my prayer, because I believe the Lord was first showing me that we do not have much more time and that we are nearing the end of the road (meaning the end of the age).  I believe the Lord is saying we do not have much more time left here on this earth, that time is almost up, and that we are very quickly approaching the Tribulation!

Thankfully, the Lord has revealed to me through the latter part of this dream that I will not have to go through the Tribulation! Hallelujah!

However, I did think the first part of my dream was a bit confusing at first because I couldn’t really understand why it seemed like I was about to walk into heaven through this golden gate built just for me by the Lord and instead I wound up seeing all these awful things coming upon the world right in my face- like I was about to go through it- but I didn’t.   I guess the Lord knew that I would not understand the first part of my dream, so he gave me the second part to clarify the first.  LOL!  And if I go back and analyze the first part of my dream after having the second, both of them seem to relate to each other, in that, I could see all this bad stuff coming ahead of me, but it was like I was not going to have to go through it because the Lord was not going to let me go through it.  Hallelujah!  Praise the lord!!!  Thank you Jesus!

On August 21st, 2017, the day of the Great American Solar Eclipse, I felt the Lord nudging me to do a video about how it IS the sign of Jonah!  I watched a video by Mark Biltz who discovered the blood moon tetrad of 2014 and 2015 and he was also making this connection between the Great American Eclipse and the Sign of Jonah because this solar eclipse going over America falls precisely during the same time that Jonah went to Nineveh in the Bible to warn the people there that they only had 40 days to repent!  Now, Jonah went to Nineveh on the 1st day of Elul on the Jewish calendar!  And this eclipse is falling right on the same time period of the month of Elul- which is known in Jewish culture to be the month of Repentance before the coming of the Day of Atonement (otherwise known as the day of judgement).

However, what really catches my attention about the timing of this solar eclipse is that if you count from August 21st, 2017 up to (but not including) September 23rd, 2017 (the day of the Revelation 12 Sign in the heavens), there are 33 days and then if you count September 23rd up to the day of Atonement or otherwise known as Yom Kippur (on September 29th, 2017), there are 7 days.  So if you add those days together, 33 plus 7 equals EXACTLY 40 days!!!  The people of Nineveh were given exactly 40 days to repent up to the Day of Atonement.  This timeframe of 40 days being broken up into 33 days and 7 days points us to a very similar passage in the Bible located in Leviticus 12:1-4 where it is describing the purification guidelines given to Moses by the Lord for women bearing children:

1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, if a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.
3 And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.
4 And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.

What is even more significant about this this passage of scripture is that this portion of scripture is describing a woman who is pregnant with a male child!  And why this is so significant is that if you continue on in the scripture of Leviticus 12:5, it reads:

5 But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.

So now we see that a woman who bears a female child is not unclean for 7 days, but unclean 2 weeks (14 days) – which is twice as much time.  Additionally, she continues on in her purification not just for 33 days, but for 66 days, which is twice as long for that of a woman who bears a male child!  The total purification time for a woman bearing a female child would be 14 plus 66, which would equal 80 days!  Wow, that is a long time!

But what makes this scripture so fascinating is that the timeframe beginning on August 21st with this Great American Solar Eclipse up to the Day of Atonement on September 29th is a period of 40 days, not 80 days!  This means that it is pointing to a woman bearing a male child instead of a female child!  And now you can easily guess what this scripture is pointing to…

It is pointing straight at the pregnant woman in the Revelation 12 sign in the heavens mentioned by John in the prophetic last book of the Bible where the woman is giving birth to a MALE child! Not a female child!

I truly believe that the Lord is giving America time to repent and if we do not, then destruction is coming!

And as a watchwoman for Yeshua, I feel the need in my spirit through the Holy Spirit to warn people because I can see the sword coming and if we do not repent now, then we will be cut off and will have to go through the Tribulation period!  Even the Solar Eclipse across America slices it in half just like a sword!  And in 7 more years in 2024 the same kind of eclipse will happen across America in the other direction, which might very well be the period of the Tribulation!

I truly believe that the Tribulation is coming very soon because the Lord is confirming it through the dream that he gave me!  The Lord is saying time is almost up and we are very close to the end of the road!

Even Mark Biltz mentioned that on August 21st, 1914 there was a total solar eclipse that crossed Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire and also Nineveh at the beginning of World War 1 – and that was when the Ottoman Empire fell.  So this goes to show that total solar eclipses can signify destruction and even this one happened on August 21st, the exact day of the Great American Solar Eclipse in 2017!  So could this mean that potential war is coming to America???  World War 3 perhaps?

Well, just when I was wanting to do a video on all this information I was finding out, there was something that was holding me back from doing it and I wasn’t quite sure what it was until the next day…

On August 22nd I discovered that President Donald Trump had made an announcement to the American people later in the day on August 21st, 2017 (the very same day of the American Solar Eclipse) and he was pretty much declaring war on South Asia and he mentioned Afghanistan.  Even though Trump did not come out and actually say North Korea, I believe he is truly meaning that he plans to attack North Korea randomly without announcing exactly when he will do it because North Korea is located in South Asia and North Korea has been threatening the United States for some time now with its nuclear weapons advancement, violating sanctions.

I am not saying for sure that there will be a war with North Korea, but based on this sign in the heavens we have been given (this Great American Solar Eclipse) I do believe we need to be on our knees repenting for this country – that this country will turn away from sin and turn back to the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) so that God will not bring total destruction upon America, but will spare us from going to war not just with North Korea, but with any country!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I plead for you to repent right now – not just for your own sins – but also repent for the sins of this nation, your county, your family, your friends, your loved ones, and everyone you know!  I pray, with all my heart, that the Lord will not send destruction upon America and that America will be spared by God!  Please take time to bring a repentant heart to the Lord, not just to spare America from destruction, but to prepare you for his coming as well!

Thank you Brothers and Sisters for reading!  Keep looking up, because our redemption is almost here!  We are near the end of the road and there is not much time left!  There are still many more people who need to be saved and come to know their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach), so please continue to share this message with others so that they will give their heart and life over to him!  God Bless you all!  I love you all so much in the Lord!!  And just remember, Jesus (Yeshua) loves you so much!