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Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind

June 30, 2018

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and well-pleasing and perfect will of God.

– Romans 12:2


Do you ever feel like you have to conform to this world?  I can tell you, you’re not alone…  Everyone at some point in their life feels like they must conform to this world in order to fit in!  In fact, we are taught even at a young age that we must fit in with society or conform to this world in order for us to have friends.  Yet the Word of God tells us to do the exact opposite of that!  The Word of God says that we are not to conform ourselves to this world!  Instead, the Word says we are to be transformed or changed into the likeness of the Lord by the renewing of our minds!  Now that is Amazing!!  The Lord desires for us to be like him instead of this world!  Our mind might tell us we need to conform to the world so we can fit in with society, but the Lord wants our mind to be transformed so we can think his thoughts!  And the only way we can know what God is thinking is by receiving him through the Holy Spirit!  If we have the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of us, then we have the mind of the Lord living in us!  That means that through the Holy Spirit we can know the thoughts of the Lord!  How Awesome is that?!!  And if we know the thoughts of the Lord, then we are finally able to distinguish the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.  So today, desire to be transformed by the Lord and allow Him to renew your mind so that you can become like Jesus (Yeshua) in every way!



June 30, 2018