“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”
-Matthew 6:22-23
Did you know that your eyes are the lamp of your soul? That means that whatever you look at with your eyes penetrates your entire body! That is powerful!! It is amazing how something so small can determine so much for us! The question is: Where are your eyes today? What are you watching?? What are you imputing?? If your eyes are set on what is pure, holy, righteous, and true, then your body will be filled with all those things! But if your eyes are set on what is bad, impure, unholy, unrighteous, and dark, then your whole body will be filled with those things! Analyze your life today and ask yourself if there is anything that you are watching and absorbing with your eyes that does not have anything to do with Jesus! If so, then those things are the very things that need to be uprooted and cut out from your life as well as your heart! You need to come to a point in your spiritual walk with the Lord where you consciously make the decision to take control of your life and throw away all the garbage that is holding you back from him! You need the Holy Spirit inside of you to do a major clean-up on your soul like never before so that your whole life can be transformed into the very likeness of your Savior! The enemy is on a constant prowl to take you down any way he can, whether it be through the internet, through television, through secular music, through the newspaper, or magazines, etc. It doesn’t matter to the enemy how he can get you, as long as he has a medium to get to you! The Lord calls on us to keep his Word as the apple of our eye! So where do you think our eyes need to be focused?? On the Word of God, on Jesus, on his truths, on his promises for us! Our eyes need to be focused on the truth, otherwise we will be absorbing a bunch of lies! And if we do not get the Word of God into our heart, then we will not be able to distinguish the truth from all the lies in the world! Jesus says in his Word that he is the way, the truth, and the life! So if Jesus is Life, then we need to be absorbing more of him! Anything else that you are absorbing apart from Jesus does not result in life, but the exact opposite! Jesus says in his word that he is the light of the world, so how much do we need the light in us, when we are living in such a dark, evil, sinful, wicked world? Do we want to be a light in this dark world pointing the way to Jesus or do we want to be full of darkness just like the world pointing the way straight to the enemy? Jesus calls on his children to be set apart from the world and holy, just as he is holy! How can we be holy like Jesus if we are living just like the world? We cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in heaven at the same time, it is just impossible! It’s either you are all in or all out, but there are so many so-called “Christians” who are riding the fence, still living like the world, when we are to be called-out from this world- set apart for Jesus! What is distinguishing you from this world? Choose today to stay focused on Jesus by getting into his Word and getting alone with him to listen to the Holy Spirit speak. Start cutting out all the things of the world from your life! Because the choice is yours, but just know that your choice will determine your eternity! Be careful little eyes what you see!