In The Palms Of His Hands

In The Palms Of His Hands

October 12, 2018

But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.”  “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?  Though she may forget, I will not forget you!  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…” 

-Isaiah 49:14-16


Right now you may be feeling like the Lord has forgotten about you or has forsaken you; leaving you all alone to fend for yourself…  You cry aloud to the Lord from the bitterness of your  tired, broken, and weary heart- “God, where are you???  Where are you in my life?  Where are you in these situations that I am going through??  Where are you in all these struggles that I have had to endure?!”  You keep crying out to Him.. But No Answer.  Just know Today that God is still listening… He hasn’t left you!  How can he forget about the one whom he has so cherished; so treasured?  How can he ever forget about YOU?  You are so Dear and Precious to him!  You are so Deeply loved by him!  Do you understand just how important you are to him??  You see, he loves you so much that he has Engraved You in the palms of his hands!  You are Always before him!  He Never forgets you, He SEES You.. and He Loves You – every part of You!  He is going to see you through it all!