Eternity Within Our Hearts

Eternity Within Our Hearts

October 16, 2018

He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

-Ecclesiastes 3:11


Did you know that you have eternity in your heart??  Yes!  God has set eternity in the hearts of men, even though they cannot fathom everything he has done since the beginning of time and the end of time.  We will never know entirely what all God has done until we are finally in heaven with him…  And Oh how Surprised we are going to be when we see everything that the Lord has done – not just for us, but for all time!  I’m sure our jaws will definitely drop to the floor when we take in everything!!  There is no possible way that we can fully contain how much the Lord has done right now in our fleshly earthly bodies, otherwise we would burst, because it is so much!!!  Yet one day we will be in our glorified bodies and we will stand in Awe, Wonder, and utter Amazement at all the Lord has accomplished!  So if God has placed eternity in the hearts of men, then that means that everyone knows that there is an eternity somewhere whether they want to believe it or not.  God has made us all beautiful beings in our time, but we all have a set time, and then there is eternity…  That means that we have to make a choice where we want to go.  I believe that the Lord planted eternity in the hearts of men in order that each one might search for the Truth and find the Truth is in him alone.  Yet Ultimately, he has set eternity in our hearts to come to find that we cannot bear an eternity without him!