To Him Who Is Able

To Him Who Is Able

October 16, 2018

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!  Amen.

– Jude 1:24-25


Today, you may be in a place in your life where you are trying to do your best to walk with the Lord, but you keep stumbling and falling down.  You have repented of your sins, accepted the Lord into your heart, been baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit, yet you realize you keep messing up in certain areas of your life and you desperately desire to get better!  It seems like as much as you pray and ask the Lord for help, you keep falling down in the same places.  You absolutely don’t know what to do!  In all your efforts you are not able to help yourself!  It seems like each time you fall and mess up it makes you get down on yourself even harder, making it even more difficult to get back up again!  Just know today that you have a God who is Able!  He is Able to do Exceedingly and Abundantly Above All we could Ever Imagine!  Before you get down about your inability to help yourself, turn your eyes to the One who IS Able to do All Things!  He is Able to Keep you from falling!  Isn’t that Amazing?!!!  The Lord is Able to guard you and protect you from stumbling by making you sure-footed!  That means that each time that you fall down, he will pick you back up again!  He will not keep you in the same place you were before as long as you are continuously walking with him through the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit will train you in all righteousness and over time as you grow in your relationship with the Lord through the Holy Spirit, you will see the Lord protecting you from falling down again.  The Lord does this so that one day he can present you before his glorious presence blameless and with ecstatic delight!  Now How Great is Our Loving God?!!!  He is AMAZING!!!  He desires to help you overcome all things!!  Jesus Christ (Yeshua) our Lord is the only God and Savior and to him be ALL glory, majesty, power and authority before ALL ages, both now and forevermore!!  AMEN!