To The Good Of Those Who Love God

To The Good Of Those Who Love God

October 16, 2018

And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

– Romans 8:28


Today you may be feeling absolutely overwhelmed with all the things in your life that seem to be going wrong.  Everything seems like utter chaos!  You know that you Love God with all your heart, yet lately it seems like you have been severely tested, persecuted, and put through the blazing fire…  You just don’t know how to get past all the problems going on in your life!  Just know today that the Lord has a Very Special promise written in His Word for all those who love him!  The Lord promises You that even though you may be going through the hardest time of your life, he will never leave you and all the things you are struggling with will work out for Your Good!  Now isn’t that Amazing?!!  What a promise that is!!!  You are promised the Best to happen for you now as well as in the long-run!  The Word of God promises that those who are called according to God’s purpose will have Everything work together for Their Good!  That means that God has placed a specific calling on your life and he has appointed you to do something for him…  Whatever that “something” is, that is God’s purpose for you!  And when you tap into hearing God through the Holy Spirit, he will reveal to you what your specific calling is and how to fulfill that calling for him!  The Greatest thing is knowing that God is working out Everything for Your Good even when you can’t see it immediately!  He is For You because He Loves You!  He is Not against You!  When all you can see right now is all the problems in your life, just know that if you truly Love God with all your heart, all these things will work together for the Best and for the Good of You!