God’s Will For You

God’s Will For You

October 16, 2018

Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Do you know what God’s will is for you??  There are so many people in the world that claim they know God, yet they still question what God’s will is for them.  It might just be that they do not fully grasp that there is a difference between the will of God and God’s specific calling on their life.  God has clearly instructed us on what his will is for us in His Word.  All we have to do is read it!  We read in the Word that God’s will is for us to be Full of Joy in him and Rejoicing constantly!  Now that is most definitely the Heart of the Father towards his beloved children!  He wants us to be Jubilant!!  He wants us to spend every moment of every day delighting and rejoicing in him just as much as he delights and rejoices over us!  But wait, there is more…!  God’s will for us is to be able to pray without ceasing!  God’s heart is for us to have hearts Full of Compassion for others that wells up to him in never-ending prayer and supplication!  And on top of all that, God desires for us to have a meek, humble, and thankful heart that can give thanks in every kind of situation in life.  He wants you to be able to give thanks when you are standing on the mountain-top as well as when you are trudging through the valley!  And when we allow God to fulfill all these things in us, then we can truly know that we are walking according to his good and perfect will for our lives.