Hidden Treasures From God

Hidden Treasures From God

October 17, 2018

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

– Isaiah 45:3

Did you know that the Lord God has hidden treasures for you?  Yes, he does!  Those who believe in him are given a promise in his Word that we will receive hidden treasure from God!  This hidden treasure is found in secret places stored up just for you!  Personally, I believe this hidden treasure that is being referred to is the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the Spirit!  The reason why is because God does not delight in worldly possessions like money, yet he does delight in those who have him living on the inside of them through the Holy Spirit!  And the Holy Spirit is the Greatest treasure because those who have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them are given secret knowledge from God that is otherwise hidden from the rest of the world… On top of that, the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and directs us into ALL truth!  Now that is a HUGE treasure that we should all desire to have!  Yet the Lord God goes on to say something profound in this verse of scripture…  He says that these hidden treasures will prove to you that he who calls you by name IS the God of Israel!  This is another reason why I believe that the hidden treasures are the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit!  The Holy Spirit is the only one who can reveal things to us that are otherwise hidden.  And the Lord wants to prove to you through the Holy Spirit that He IS the God of Israel!  So seek the Lord God Today and he will freely give you these hidden treasures stored up for you!