His Grace Is Sufficient For You

His Grace Is Sufficient For You

October 17, 2018

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

-2 Corinthians 12:9


Isn’t it Amazing how Jesus (Yeshua) said in his Word that His strength is made perfect in Your weakness?!!  I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty Awesome!  That means that as you are traveling through this life’s journey you will face times of weakness…  Yet the Lord reassures us through this verse of scripture that when we hit these rough patches of weakness, that is when he is the Strongest!  Now logically we would think that when we are strong, then the Lord is Stronger!  But that is completely opposite of how the Lord works!  When we are strong we tend to think we have everything under control, so we have no need for God in our life.  Yet when we are weak, we realize we need God in our life to help us!  And when we are able to come to the point where we truly realize that we Need God in our life, that is when he steps in and helps us!  The Lord wants us to realize that we cannot do anything without him!  Not one thing!  By God’s grace you can choose today to live in His perfect strength!  Just remember that His grace is sufficient for You!