The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.
– Psalm 2:2
It’s Amazing and important to know that David wrote this psalm unto God, because it is key to grasping the meaning behind it! Now, what could David have possibly meant by saying that the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One? Well, one might easily try to say that since David was anointed to be king over Israel, he was referring to himself in the third person as the Lord’s Anointed One. However, no mortal human being could EVER refer to himself in the third person as being the Lord’s Anointed One and not come off as being prideful, conceited, and arrogant! So this calls David’s character into account… And can we honestly say that David’s character ever lined up with this? David was chosen by God to be a king over Israel out from among all 7 of his brothers being the youngest, smallest, and weakest of his entire family who tended to flocks of sheep out in the field for a living?! Now, does that sound prideful, conceited, or arrogant to you?? I can tell you… NO! Otherwise, God would not have chosen David to be a king over Israel! David would Never refer to himself in the third person as being the Lord’s Anointed One because he had no authority as a mortal human being to equate himself with God who is Immortal and Everlasting! So Who could David have possibly been writing about?! Who IS the Lord’s Anointed One in this scripture?? You Guessed It! The One and Only…. Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach!