Jesus Loves You

Jesus Loves You

October 18, 2018

The Lord appeared to us from afar, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

– Jeremiah 31:3


Do you know just how much Jesus (Yeshua) Loves YOU??  Jeremiah 31:3 says that Jesus (Yeshua) Loves YOU with an Everlasting Love!!  Now that kind of Love is Most Definitely the kind of Love that ALL of us are searching for!  Everyone Needs Love that is Never Failing and Never Ending!  Everybody Needs to know that they are Loved with an Eternal Love!!  And Everlasting Love means that Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) Love lasts FOREVER!  It is NOT Anything like the kind of Love that the world pretends to be true love, which is completely Conditional!  Love in this world is all based on pleasing people and WHO can honestly please Everybody??  No One!  We can try to people-please, but it is completely Conditional and all it leaves us is Empty!  Jesus (Yeshua) wants to fill and flood you with his Everlasting Eternal Love that Never Ends and Never Fails!  He wants to draw you to him by his Loving-kindness that goes so far past the capacity of this world!  The world cannot contain ALL the Loving-kindness the Lord has for YOU!!!  Honestly, how can we expect to ever show love to anyone else if we do not have this kind of Love?!!  We cannot show love if we do not contain Love!  Jesus (Yeshua) IS Love!!!  And he is ALL the Love we Need!  His Love is More Than Enough for us!  We do not need to seek it anywhere else or in anyone else because it comes straight from the source… Jesus (Yeshua)!!  Just know that Jesus (Yeshua) Loves YOU Today and Forever!