Soar On Wings Like Eagles

Soar On Wings Like Eagles

October 18, 2018

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

– Isaiah 40:29-31


Is this life leaving you feeling worn and weary?  You know you are living for the Lord and doing everything that he has showed you to do for him in the Holy Spirit.  You’ve taken up your cross and have tried your hardest to carry it for the Lord, but now you Absolutely don’t know how much more you can take!  It feels as if you don’t have the strength to go any further!  Well, just know today, that the Lord wants to renew your strength!  He wants to lift you high above all the things going on in your life!  He wants you to Soar on wings like eagles!  As long as you remain here on this earth, you are an intricate piece of God’s ultimate plan and that means that God still needs you to fulfill something for him!  You see, you are Invaluable to God!!  The Lord needs you because he has specifically designed you to do something for him that only you can do!  That is how Important you are!!  So if you are feeling tired and worn out from carrying the cross for Jesus (Yeshua), just remember that just when you feel like you cannot move one step forward, the Lord is going to renew your strength!  The Lord knows how much you can bear and when you feel like giving up he is going to give you the strength to keep going!  You might not know how that is possible, but all things are possible for God!  And the Lord has a special promise for you…  He is going to lift you up!  Jesus (Yeshua) is going to make you Soar on wings like eagles!