Listen To Wisdom

Listen To Wisdom

October 18, 2018

“Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.  Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it…”

– Proverbs 8:32-33


Are you listening to Wisdom??  There are many people today who are not tuning into God’s Wisdom because they are so caught up with things in this world that they do not believe they need anything more!  Yet ALL of us, whether we believe it or not, NEED God’s Wisdom because this instruction leads us into all Truth!  And when we read this passage of scripture in Proverbs, this Wisdom is given human attributes!  Now, how is it possible for Wisdom, a non-human entity, able to have human attributes??  The only way this is possible is if this Wisdom IS a human!  Yet what is even more interesting about this Wisdom is that it has existed before the creation of all things!  So WHO could this Wisdom possibly be??  WHO could possibly be human as well as exist before time began?!!  You guessed it!  The One and Only Jesus (Yeshua HaMashiach)!  Jesus (Yeshua) is not only the Son of God, existing before all creation came into being; he is also the Son of man, who physically lived among his Jewish people!  Thus, this Wisdom spoken of in Proverbs is in all actuality, Jesus (Yeshua)!  He IS the Wisdom of God!  He is Everything people Need!!  Without Jesus (Yeshua) we have nothing and we are nothing!  Yet with him, we have an identity and we possess the Greatest Treasure!  And blessed are those who keep his ways!  Are you listening to Wisdom today??  Are you listening to Jesus (Yeshua)?