The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Lord Is My Shepherd

October 18, 2018

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

– Psalm 23:1-3


This passage of scripture in Psalms always comforts me and it constantly reminds me that Jesus (Yeshua) is My Shepherd and that I can Fully trust him and Rely on him with my Whole heart and my Whole life!  There are not many things or people in this world that you can fully trust, rely on, and put your Whole Entire Life in their hands; yet I can do that with Jesus (Yeshua)!  I can entrust him with Everything I am!  I can trust him with Every fiber of my being!  He IS my Savior!  He IS my Best friend!  He IS my Husband!  He is my Shepherd!  And I can fully trust that he is going to constantly lead me beside quiet waters, into all Truth, allowing me to lie down in green pastures!  When my soul feels broken, weary, or forelorn, I run to him, and he restores my soul!  He refreshes, renews, and revives the Holy Spirit within me!  He guides me in his perfect paths of righteousness and all I have to do is follow him and listen to his voice.  The Lord IS My Shepherd and I shall Never be in want because he is All that I Need!