For Such A Time As This

For Such A Time As This

October 18, 2018

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

-Esther 4:14


On hearing of the plot against the Jews, queen Esther’s adopted father Mordecai spoke to her to convince her to help her people.  Queen Esther had been brought into the royal palace, but had not been summoned to the king for a whole month!  No one could approach the king without the gold scepter extended to them first…  So queen Esther called on all the Jews to fast along with her for 3 days as they sought the Lord and his favor upon them.  After the 3rd day, queen Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court in front of the king’s hall to be seen by the king.  And when the king saw her, he was pleased with her, and he held out to her the gold scepter in his hand.  Esther was then able to approach the king and touch the tip of the gold scepter in order to make her request.  The Lord’s hand of favor was upon queen Esther and all the Jews as she made her request to the king and it was successfully granted!  This led to the deliverance of God’s people (the Jews) from the edict that had been put in writing against them by the king!  And just like queen Esther, there is a reason why you have accepted your King Jesus (Yeshua) into your heart and are now officially within his royal palace!  There is only one of you!  You have the ability to make your requests to the King!  You have the ability to stand in the gap for God’s people!  And YOU have been placed here for such a time as This!