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A Blessing From God

May 28, 2018

Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work – that is a gift of God.

– Ecclesiastes 5:19


It is a blessing in life to be able to work because God gives us the life, breath, and ability in our bodies to do it!  Moreover, it is even more blessed to be able to actually enjoy what you do for a living!  Now how many people in this world can say that they truly enjoy their work 100 percent?  I’d say not that many at all!  And one reason why that is true is because not many people realize and acknowledge the One behind the blessing!  Yes, there is someone who is blessing you to be able to do the things you do for a living… His name is Jesus and he loves you!  He desires to bless you!  Can you believe the God of all creation desires to bless you?!!!  He certainly does!  He wants to richly pour out the blessings upon your life!  Sometimes these blessings come in the form of wealth and possessions, sometimes not…  And that’s okay!  Because more times than not, the blessing is in the giving rather than the receiving!  The Lord wants to make you content with what you have and what you do so that you can actually Enjoy what you have been given!  If you are not content with what you have, then you might want to re-examine what you are doing for a living and whether or not it is lining up with what God desires for your life.  If God is not telling you to do what you are doing, then you need to get in tune with him through the Holy Spirit and ask him what exactly you need to be doing with your life.  Because he has plans that he specifically designed and created you to do for him and the only way to find out what you are to be doing in life is to get in tune with the life-giver!  Get in tune with the Lord today so he can show you what he wants you to do for him, then you will finally be able to enjoy and be happy over the work you do because it will no longer be glorifying yourself, but him!  And that is Truly a blessing from God!


May 28, 2018