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Close To His Heart

October 30, 2018

He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart…

– Isaiah 40:11


Isn’t it Wonderful to know that Jesus (Yeshua) is our Shepherd and we are the sheep of his flock if we believe in him?!!  Knowing that Jesus (Yeshua) is my shepherd gives me a comfort like no other!  And what is so comforting about this scripture is that it mentions how Jesus (Yeshua) gathers us in his arms and he carries us close to his heart!  AMAZING!!  I don’t know about you, but that does something for me and my heart that no one else in this world could Ever do!  It reassures me that I am valuable to Jesus (Yeshua), So Much So that he carries me Close to his heart so that nothing else in this world can touch me!  And he does the same with YOU!!  Do You see how Priceless you are to him??  Can you see that you are his Precious Jewel?!!  He will NEVER let go of You!  That’s how Important You are to him!  He wants to gather you in his Wide Open arms and hold you next to his heart FOREVER!!  And Oh how I long to be in the loving embrace of My Savior’s arms for ALL Eternity!  I can’t wait to feel his never-ending love for me as I am gathered Close To His Heart!


October 30, 2018
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