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Our Heavenly Father

June 1, 2018

“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

– 2 Corinthians 6:18


Do you know that you have a loving Heavenly Father?  Yes, you do!  If you have accepted Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) into your heart, have been baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit, then you have received access to your Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit is God living on the inside of you!  And if you have God living and dwelling within you, then you ARE his child!  The Lord God wants to claim you as his own and he desires to be a Father to you because he Loves You!  Your Father God wants to be unlike any father you have ever had in this world!  He wants to lead, guide, and direct you into All Truth!  He wants to direct your paths and guard your steps!  He desires you to be his sons and his daughters and he wants to reward you for choosing him over anything else in this world!!  That is how much he loves you!  You are his sons and daughters and you are Dearly loved by your Heavenly Father!




June 1, 2018