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Rest For Your Soul

April 17, 2018

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

-Matthew 11:28-30


Have you been carrying a yoke of oppression for a while?  Are you weary, barely dragging along with the gigantic weight of the world on top of your shoulders, thinking when is this going to end?!  Do you feel like you’ve been holding your breath underwater for what seems like an eternity and you wonder to yourself, “when am I ever going to be able to come back up for air?!” Well, Jesus wants to trade yokes with you!  He wants to take off that heavy, burdensome yoke on your shoulders and give you his yoke, which is not heavy, but light and easy.  Jesus wants you to come to him with all that is weighing on you so that you might learn something valuable from him!  You might think, “what could Jesus possibly be trying to teach me?”  To answer your question, Jesus is trying to teach you who he is and what he expects from you!  Jesus wants you to know that his heart is humble and gentle… so he does not expect you to do anything for him to deserve what only he can do for you!  He wants you to simply come to him with your burdens and let him do all the work!  You will discover that all Jesus wants for you is to find your rest in him!  So come to Jesus today, lay down your burdens at his feet, and you will find rest for your soul!


April 17, 2018