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Seek His Face

May 27, 2018

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”

– 1 Chronicles 16:11


Do you feel weak and helpless against all the challenges you are going through in life?  You started off strong, but now you never have a break from the constant pressure and all of it is overwhelming.  You just don’t see how to make things any easier on you!  Just know that there is someone with the solution to everything… and his name is Jesus!  He loves you and cares about you and your life immensely!  He doesn’t want you to be overwhelmed with all the problems in your life.  Instead, he wants you to look to him and his strength!  Rather than looking to this world for answers, run to Jesus for the answer!  Rather than looking to this world for strength, look to Jesus for your strength!  Find refuge in the middle of the storm within his comforting arms and seek his face always!  He will lead, guide, and direct you into all truth.  He will show you the right way you need to go, directing all your paths, when you seek his face first and make him your strength!  So seek him today!


May 27, 2018