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The Heavens Declare God’s Glory

July 6, 2018

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork.  Day unto day utters speech and night unto night reveals knowledge.

– Psalm 19:1-2


Can you believe that the Bible actually says the heavens Proclaim and Declare the Glory of God?  That means that the heavens are shouting So LOUDLY at us as if by a Trumpet Blast about God’s Glory!!  If the heavens are speaking that Loudly to us, then how could God’s heavenly handywork even slightly go unnoticed?  And how could anyone possibly believe that God does not exist?!!  That is preposterous!  Even the Word of God says that day after day the heavens pour forth speech!  This can only mean that the heavens are speaking to us!  Might it be possible that God is using his heavenly handywork to speak directly to us and our hearts?  I definitely believe so!  That is the most loving heart of the Father who cares so enormously about his children that he created the heavens to speak to them all over the world when they simply Look Up!  What an AWESOME, POWERFUL, and LOVING God we have!  One who would go so far as to create a New heavenly crescendo all for our ears to hear and our eyes to see every single day!  It’s nothing short of Brilliant!  On top of that, the Word of God says that night unto night the heavens reveal knowledge!  So there is something we are to learn from the heavens at night and it all has to do with God!  Might God be revealing to his children when he is coming in the heavens?  I definitely believe so!  That is why we all need to be Looking Up because our redemption is drawing near and the heavens will declare the glory of God!


July 6, 2018