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The Sun Of Righteousness

July 1, 2018
But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.

– Malachi 4:2-3


Do you know that The Sun of Righteousness is Real, Alive, and a person?  Yes, he is!  He is Jesus (Yeshua)!!  And those who revere him will one day witness him coming on the clouds of heaven!  How Exciting is that?!!  As believers in Jesus (Yeshua) who have been saved, baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the promise that we will one day see him arise just like the sun in the heavens with healing in his wings!  That means that whatever we have suffered in this life for him will one day be healed and rewarded!  What promise we have in our Loving Savior!!  We have no hope in this world; yet whatever we have suffered here, Jesus (Yeshua) wants to heal!  How Amazing is that!  How Amazing is our Sweet Messiah!  As soon as we see our Messiah -The Sun of Righteousness- on the clouds of heaven, we will escape from this world like calves from a stall who will grow up in Him!  How Glorious that day will be!!  How Glorious is our Messiah Yeshua, The One and Only Sun of Righteousness!




July 1, 2018