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Who Can But Prophecy

July 20, 2018

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.  The lion has roared – who will not fear?  The Sovereign Lord has spoken – who can but prophesy?

– Amos 3:7-8


Isn’t it Awesome to know that the Lord our God reveals his plans to his servants, the prophets, before he does anything at all?!!  That proves to me that our God is a loving God who truly cares for his people!  He will not do anything without warning his people ahead of time through his prophets!  This also suggests that God is merciful to us even when we do not deserve it!  God could choose to pour down his fiery wrath upon our heads for not obeying him, but he is slow to anger and he relents from sending calamity because he is a Loving God!  God would much rather forewarn us that we are going astray and allow us to turn away from our sin and repent wholeheartedly before he sends down calamity!  That is the Heart of our Loving Father who cares about us so much!  God desires for us to have a reverential fear for him that fully understands that he is good and he is righteous and holy in every way!  And he wants this reverential fear for him to produce in us a righteous life for him that walks in complete obedience to what he says!  The Lord God is likened unto a Lion because he is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!  God is just like a Lion roaring for his cubs which have gone astray from him and when his cubs hear his Roar, he wants them to come trembling in holy fear back to him!  God is relentless in pursuit for his children and no one is going to snatch his children out of his hand!  The Roar of the Lord is spoken through his servants, the prophets!  They will speak precisely what God says!  And when God has spoken – who can but prophesy?!!


July 20, 2018