*** CLICK HERE to check out the NEW Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2021 post***
Being obedient to the Lord’s calling is not always easy… And ever since the last post, a lot of things have happened in my life that have tried to thwart the Lord’s plans for me. However, I refuse to give in or give up because I know that it is his will for my life! The Lord Jesus (Yeshua) has called me not just to be a teacher of his Word but also a Watchwoman who sounds the trumpet, sending out the Warning ahead of time, and Shouting the ALARM as a Spiritual Awakening of things to come in the near future! If we look to scripture, Ezekiel the prophet was also appointed to be a Watchman by the Lord God for Israel in Ezekiel 33:7-9. And this assignment from the Lord was not an easy one because Ezekiel was held accountable if he did not warn the people ahead of time to deter them from their waywardness. Now that is a pretty heavy responsibility! And as a Watchwoman myself, I can personally understand the weight of that assignment and trust me, sometimes I wonder how I can bear to accomplish such an arduous task for the Lord… All I know is that it has to be the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) because the strength is not in me! The Real strength is in God the Father, Jesus (Yeshua) the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Since then, much has transpired in the Holy Spirit that can only be understood by those who are actually filled with the Holy Spirit. In latter 2018 it was if the Spirit was crying out from within, so much so that I found myself crying out to the Lord every single day, multiple times a day, with little to no relief! When the Spirit would cry out from within, it literally made me feel like screaming and I honestly did not know how to contain it! I found myself bottling it up inside because I didn’t want to wake anyone up early in the morning screaming at the top of my lungs! Even after praying in the Spirit (tongues), this feeling in the Spirit still didn’t seem to subside. And now, more so in early 2019, I have felt so worn and weighed down in the Spirit as if everything around me has become Exponentially unbearable and it literally feels like I am a prisoner held captive in this world constantly taking the lashings of persecution as I keep my head down in faithful endurance until we are raptured home!
This heaviness and weariness in the Spirit has physically and emotionally made me feel the exact same way! It’s as if the Spirit is taking over my whole entire being… even my flesh! Most days I feel like I can barely hold on any longer because of the heaviness and weariness that I feel in the Spirit and even after searching my heart over and over again I cannot understand where it is stemming from which has caused me to pray more and more about everything I can possibly pray about! This heaviness in the Spirit has felt like walking under the weight of a huge yoke, except the heaviness is not on my shoulders, rather, it is on my heart! I cry out to the Lord for relief because I know that I am being tested just like Job as I try my best to bear the sufferings of Jesus (Yeshua), taking up my cross to follow him through the trials, and some days I can feel the Lord lift the heaviness so I can get a praise out! I tried to explain this feeling in the Spirit to my sister Cassandra and she told me that she had been feeling the exact same way in the Spirit as well! So at least I know that I am not the only one who feels this way! I know for sure that my sister Cassandra is filled up with the Holy Spirit and that is why I have full confidence in knowing that what she is telling me is the truth!
I can assure you that I have Never felt this way in my Spirit in my whole entire life and that is how I know for sure that we are just about to be Raptured home Extremely SOON because the Lord is not going to allow his children to continue to feel this unbearable feeling in the Spirit much longer! He’s going to rapture his children out of here! What I am feeling in my Spirit alone is what is letting me know what time it is because it is like an alarm clock going off inside of me! I do not have to have revelations, dreams, or visions to supplement what I am already feeling in the Spirit in order to know what time it is, however, the Lord has been gracious to freely give me these gifts of the Spirit to help me know for sure what all these things mean! And those who truly have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them are going to understand Exactly what I am feeling in the Spirit right now because they will be feeling it too and they are going to be searching for answers as to why they are feeling this way! However, those who do NOT have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them are Not going to feel this way at all and they are Not going to understand what I am talking about. You see, everything that is spiritual is spiritually discerned! (1 Corinthians 2:14). Someone without the Holy Spirit cannot comprehend what I am feeling because it is foolishness to them! Rest assured, the Lord is letting his children know Precisely what time it is and those who are NOT his children are Not going to be awakened in the Spirit as to what time it is! (Matthew 24:42-51; 25:1-13). This is how the Lord is preparing and setting apart his children who actually have the Holy Spirit from those who “claim” to have the Holy Spirit but really don’t! Those who do NOT have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them are going to sit back scoffing and mocking those who actually DO have the Holy Spirit who are being Awakened to what time it is! And if people scoffed and mocked the prophets and Jesus (Yeshua) when he came, you better believe there are going to be scoffers and mockers trying to thwart the plans of God Almighty, but they are not going to succeed!
For a while I considered not writing anything more about the Rapture, but I eventually realized that was not the Lord’s will for me. The Lord has specific plans for me to fulfill for him and his kingdom, just as he has designed each and every single one of us uniquely with our own individual gifts and talents to be used for his glory, honor, and praise! (Jeremiah 29:11). We all have our own individual plans to fulfill for the Lord and his kingdom and they are all found in Him! To give up on his plans for me as a Watchwoman is like giving up on his will for me when I need to be walking in his will, being constantly led by the Holy Spirit, and being obedient to whatever the Lord shows me to do for him. And if the Lord has shown me to sound the trumpet in the Spirit (which he has before in a vision), then that is Precisely what I need to be doing for him! It doesn’t matter what people have to say about it! What point is it to strive to obtain the praise of people rather than the praise of God?!! (John 12:43; 5:44). Trust me, if I were trying to please people, I would NOT be writing about the Rapture because the Very last thing that people of this world want to hear about is the Rapture! Yet, since my past speculations about the Rapture were off, that does not mean At ALL that the Lord was not showing me these things! Speculations are exactly what they are! Just speculations!! No one can know 100 percent when the Rapture is going to happen in the future unless someone has a Real life encounter with the Lord where he literally tells them the day of the Rapture ahead of time! And I have yet to have an encounter with the Lord where he has literally told me the day of the Rapture, even though I have earnestly asked and prayed to him for an encounter like that! But does that mean that we stop looking for or Expectantly watching for the day of the Rapture??? Absolutely NOT! In fact, the Word of God calls on ALL of us to be watching! (Matthew 24:42 – 51, Matthew 25:1 – 13, Mark 13:32 – 37, Luke 12:35 – 48).
There are MANY who are Not watching for the Lord because they have fallen for this world’s system (delusion) and have been lulled to sleep! They are perfectly okay with everything in the world, how everything is going, and are caught up in the world! They are not listening to the Holy Spirit (who is the Lord) and walking in full obedience to what the Holy Spirit says to do because they do not have the Holy Spirit and they have not submitted their entire life and will to the Lord! These are the ones who are going to be caught unaware of what time it is because they are Not being AWAKENED in the Spirit! You see, the Holy Spirit must first live inside of you, then the Holy Spirit has to lead you into ALL Truth so that you can be Awakened to what time it is! But the only way the Holy Spirit can lead you into ALL Truth is if you are able to hear and understand what the Holy Spirit is saying to you! That is why you have to train your ears how to hear the Lord speak! If you cannot hear the Lord speak to you through the Holy Spirit, then you cannot walk in obedience to what he is trying to tell you to do for him! Walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit IS being led by the Holy Spirit! And those who are led by the Holy Spirit (who is Truth) ARE God’s children (Romans 8:14) as opposed to those who are NOT God’s children who are not being led by the Holy Spirit!
During this period of time not writing about the Rapture, the Lord began giving me even more profound Revelations! I was simply reading Matthew chapter 2 where it was describing how the wise men saw the star of the Messiah in the heavens and they traveled all the way to Jerusalem to ask: “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews?” Now, how were the wise men able to know to look up to the heavens in order to see the star signaling the Messiah’s birth?!! They had to have known Exactly where to look, Precisely at what time to see it, and More Specifically what they were looking for, long before it EVER appeared in the heavens, otherwise they would have completely missed it! But why would the Lord have prompted the wise men who were filled with God’s Holy Spirit to look up to the heavens?!! I mean, if the wise men (filled with the Holy Spirit) were prompted to look up to the heavens to see the star signaling the birth of the Messiah, then wouldn’t those who have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them today also be prompted to look up to the heavens to see the signal of the Messiah’s Return?!! I Certainly Believe So! It only makes sense! So this started me on a tangent to find the signal pointing to the time of the Rapture!!
I went onto Stellarium (a free online astronomical software program) and began looking around the Revelation 12 Sign and one thing that really stood out to me was the number of convergences (conjunctions) between the constellation stars and wandering stars right before it. And this triggered my memory of listening to the documentary of the man who discovered the Bethlehem Star (thus Jesus’ birth date) using his astronomical software program where he found the constellation Virgo clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet, and the conjunction of Regulus with Jupiter at the heart of the constellation Leo. He was pointing out how the conjunction of Regulus with Jupiter formed the brightest star in the heavens for the wise men to see and he called it the Bethlehem Star. So I figured that there was Great significance to all these conjunctions in the heavens around these important dates! I decided to go all the way back to Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth date on Stellarium. Immediately, I noticed that the main things in common between the sign of the Messiah’s birth and the Revelation 12 Sign was that the woman was clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet, so I knew these were the two essential characteristics of any important sign in the heavens. Then I looked at the conjunctions around the Messiah’s birth date and there were several of them! I was interested to see just how many conjunctions occurred around Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth date compared to the year 2017, 2018, 2019, and other years on into the future. More importantly, I wanted to see if the number of these conjunctions were signaling the year of the Rapture! So I decided that I would give myself a specific timespan to count these conjunctions beginning from the time either Mercury or Mars converged with Regulus in the Leo constellation up to (and including) the date of 9/11 within each year and this is what I found:
Number of Conjunctions:
Messiah’s Birth Date: 5
2017 (Rev. 12 Sign): 3
2018: 0
2019: 5
2020: 0
2021: 1
2022: 2
2023: 1
2024: 0
2025: 1
2026: 0
2027: 3
As I was going through the conjunctions for each year, I made sure not to count the ones where the two stars even looked slightly spaced apart from each other. So the numbers I listed should be quite accurate. I even looked farther past 2027, all the way up to 2035 and there were not as many conjunctions during this timespan as the ones listed above and I find that quite significant because that might be revealing the timeframe of the 7 year tribulation! If we examine the number of conjunctions for each year, we can easily see that the birth date of Jesus (Yeshua) has the EXACT same number of conjunctions as this year, 2019! YES!!! 5 conjunctions! What are the odds of that?!! And I don’t believe that is just coincidence! Yet, why would the birth date of the Messiah have the Exact same number of conjunctions as 2019 rather than 2017 – the year of the Revelation 12 Sign (which is the Greatest sign written of in the book of Revelations)?? What is so significant about the year 2019 that it can even be equated to the year of the birth of Jesus (Yeshua), our Savior and Redeemer?!! I’ll let you ponder that one for a minute! Now, if we look at the year 2017 we see that it has 3 conjunctions, which is the same number as the year 2027! There are 10 years between 2017 (the year of the Revelation 12 Sign) and 2027 and this is significant because it outlines the Precise number of years as the Fig Tree Generation!
The Fig Tree Generation is symbolic of the nation of Israel and it is the last generation of God’s chosen people who will witness the coming of their Messiah (Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach)! WOW!! Now how EXCITING is that?!! That means that this generation of people will witness the coming of Jesus (Yeshua) on the clouds of heaven on The Last Day right before the Millennial Reign begins, which includes the whole 7 year Tribulation period! If we look to scripture, we read in Psalm 90:10 about the timespan of the Fig Tree Generation where it says, “The length of our days is seventy years – or eighty, if we have the strength…” So here we are given a timespan of 70 to 80 years, which is Precisely 10 years! Note: that is the same amount of time from 2017 to 2027! However, in order to confirm whether 2027 is the actual year of The Last Day, we must know when the Fig Tree Generation began! The birth of Israel as a nation would signify the beginning of the Fig Tree Generation, but there are several sources that give different dates to the birth of Israel as a nation. Some say the birth of Israel as a nation began on 9/3/1947 and others say the birth of Israel was on 5/14/1948. Here is a picture of the 2 possible years and timelines for the birth and timespan of Israel – The Fig Tree Generation…

Notice that even if we add together the latest year for the birth of Israel (1948) and the longest timespan length for the Fig Tree Generation (80 years) we get: 2028! That is only 1 year off from 2027 and according to Psalm 90:10, this is all contingent upon whether the nation of Israel “has the strength” to endure for 80 years! Thus, we know that the latest possible year for The Last Day has to be 2028! Now, in order to figure out the timeframe for the beginning of the Tribulation, all we have to do is subtract 7 years from 2028 and that brings us to: 2021! Realistically, that means that right now, we only have a little over 2 years left before the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation! Therefore, if the Rapture is to take place before the Tribulation, then imagine how close we are to the Rapture taking place!! And according to what the heavens are saying, the Rapture is Much CLOSER than that! If the heavens are pointing to 2027 as the year of The Last Day, then in order to find the beginning of the Tribulation, we subtract 7 years from 2027 and that brings us to: 2020! Thus, if we go by what the heavens are saying, then by this calculation we only have a little over 1 year before the beginning of the Tribulation! Now can you see just how CLOSE the Rapture is?!! Let me tell you, it is Right HERE!
Over a period of days the Lord kept leading me back to Matthew chapter 2 in scripture and at first I couldn’t quite figure out why… I knew he was trying to reveal something much deeper to me about this passage of scripture, but little did I know that the Lord was trying to reveal something HUGE! When I read how Joseph had to flee from Herod to Egypt after Jesus (Yeshua) was born, this perfectly aligned with the Revelation 12 passage of scripture where the woman had to flee from the dragon into the desert after her child was born! Thus, these 2 passages of scripture perfectly parallel with each other even though they have different characters involved. It’s like telling 2 different stories with the same theme, but not with the same people! Basically, the dragon in Revelation 12 is symbolic of Herod in Matthew 2, but the dragon is in all actuality the world system. In the same way, the male child in Revelation 12 is symbolic of Jesus (Yeshua) in Matthew 2, but the male child is in all actuality the Church Body of Christ who will get snatched up to heaven in the Rapture! Furthermore, the woman in Revelation 12 is symbolic of Joseph in Matthew 2, but the woman is in all actuality the nation of Israel. The Greatest significance about these 2 passages of scripture mirroring each other is that there is something hidden within them that the Lord wants to reveal to us! It’s like fitting 2 separate puzzle pieces of scripture together to discover the full picture! And trust me, the full picture is Astounding!!!
If we think about it, Revelation chapter 12 is a prophetic end-times passage of scripture describing things that are to happen in the future around the time of the Rapture. That is why the alignment of these 2 passages of scripture is so significant because it may be revealing hidden information in regard to the timeframe of the Rapture! If we go back and examine Matthew chapter 2 more thoroughly as it aligns with Revelation chapter 12, we read that when the wise men came to Jerusalem in question of where the King of the Jews (Jesus – Yeshua) was located, Herod and all of Jerusalem had no idea. Herod called together all the chief priests and teachers of the law to ask where the Messiah was to be born and they responded by saying he was to be born in Bethlehem in Judea because this is where the prophet Micah wrote in Micah 5:2, “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.” Then Herod called the wise men secretly in order to find out precisely when they saw the star appear in the heavens (figuring out the birth date of the Messiah) and then he sent them on their way to go find the child, while prompting them to report to him as soon as they found him!
So Herod knew the Exact time that the wise men saw the star of the Messiah’s birth and this is important in understanding that once the wise men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod after seeing the child, Herod eventually went after all the boys within the vicinity of Bethlehem who were 2 years old and under based on the time he learned the wise men saw the Messiah’s star in the heavens, signifying his birth. But why did Herod go after all the boys in the vicinity of Bethlehem who were 2 years old and under?? Because by that time 2 years old and under would have been the age range of Jesus (Yeshua)! Yet Jesus escaped out of Herod’s reach! On top of that, what is Even More EXCITING than that is this… If Herod is symbolic of the dragon in Revelation 12 and Jesus (Yeshua) is symbolic of the male child in Revelation 12, then that means 2 years and under is the EXACT Same age range that the male child (the Church Body of Christ) will have to be at the time that the dragon (the world system) goes after them and they are Raptured up to God’s throne in heaven! WOAH!!! Now that is a GIGANTIC Revelation from the Lord! But it gets Even BIGGER!!
One day I was looking ahead at the Jewish calendar on Torahcalendar.com and I noticed that Rosh Hashanah was being declared really early on September 1st, 2019 as compared to previous years on their calendar. Then when I searched online for Rosh Hashanah 2019, it popped up that it was from sunset September 29th through sunset October 1st, 2019. When we take a look at the Torah Calendar on these dates…

We can see that Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) is being
declared on sunset September 29th, but not Rosh Hashanah! However, I still couldn’t figure out why this
year of all years was off by a whole entire month! In previous years, Torahcalendar’s dates for
Rosh Hashanah had been pretty much the same dates as those online, varying only
by a few days at most! So this got me
wondering exactly which day to believe Rosh Hashanah would begin in 2019! After searching multiple Jewish calendars
online I discovered that all of them were declaring Rosh Hashanah on sunset September
29th through sunset October 1st, 2019, which made me
really question Torahcalendar’s dates for Rosh Hashanah! For example: if we take a look at Hebcal’s
Jewish calendar…

We can see that Rosh Hashanah Eve is being declared on September 29th and Rosh Hashanah is being celebrated on September 30th! Another important factor that confirmed Rosh Hashanah 2019 had to be from September 29th through October 1st was that it specifically occurs after the Fall Equinox on September 23rd, 2019! And the reason why it is imperative that Rosh Hashanah is declared after the Fall Equinox is because Rosh Hashanah is known by Jews as the 1st Fall feast day! If Rosh Hashanah is declared sooner than the Fall Equinox, then technically it is being celebrated too early! Also, something that really stood out to me about these 3 days of Rosh Hashanah is that they are all side-by-side just like this vision the Lord gave me in October 2017…

This vision from the Lord shows 3 dates on a calendar that are all side-by-side and have a line drawn from the beginning of the first box to the center of the last box along with the word “Coming” in the middle box. And if we compare these 3 boxes to the dates circled 1, 2, and 3 on the Torah Calendar, we can easily overlay these boxes to find that the middle box lands right on sunset September 30th, 2019 to sunset October 1st, 2019! I could barely contain myself when I saw this!! What were the odds that this day would fall at the very end of September and on the 3rd day of the week (Luke 24:7, Hosea 6:2)?!! I instantly knew within my Spirit that this was Most Definitely significant! As I mulled over this for a few days I was reminded of the dream the Lord gave me back in February 2018 of a clock where both the hour and minute hands were pointing on the 6 to stand for 6:30, which I knew stood for the date 9/30 in the Spirit. Then the longer minute hand circled the clock landing between the 4 and 5 position while the hour hand remained stagnant on the 6, which I knew stood for the date 9/23 in the Spirit. So basically the Lord was revealing two different dates of 9/23 and 9/30. And I thought to myself, could it be that the Lord was trying to reveal to me not just the date of the Revelation 12 Sign (9/23/17), but also the date of the Rapture… Rosh Hashanah (9/30/19)?!! And how many years are there between these two dates??? 2! Just like Matthew chapter 2 outlined… 2 years and under! Instantly, it was like ALARM bells being set off in my Spirit! I Absolutely knew there was no way this could be just coincidence!
So I decided to calculate the timespan between the 2 dates 9/23/17 and 9/30/19 using the Biblical calendar because I figured it would be more accurate that way. If 360 days is equivalent to 1 year according to the Bible, then…
9/23/17 to 9/23/18 = 360 days (1 year)
9/23/18 to 9/23/19 = 360 days (1 year)
9/23/19 to 9/30/19 = 7 days
And if we add up all these days we get: 727 days!
Thus, according to the Biblical calendar, 727 days would be just 7 days over 2 years!
Immediately, the Spirit reminded me of Noah’s timeline and how Noah was given a 7 day warning from the Lord right before the flood! I knew the Lord was prompting me in the Spirit to revisit Noah’s timeline just to see how all these puzzle pieces would fit together!
On returning to Noah’s timeline, here is what I discovered…

As we can see, I first added up Noah’s 7 day warning from the Lord plus the amount of time Noah was in the ark (370 days, which is 10 days over a year according to the Bible). I then subtracted this total of 377 days from 727 days to get the remainder of days left and it was Exactly: 350 days! I could hardly believe my eyes!!! 350 days is PRECISELY the Same amount of days for the total purification time of a woman bearing a female child! And this makes perfect sense because the Church Body of Christ will be comprised of males and females, thus we have to use the longest purification time given in Leviticus 12! I could hardly believe that this timeline came out to be EXACTLY 727 days, which is Spot On with the amount of time between 9/23/17 (the day of the Revelation 12 Sign) and 9/30/19 (Rosh Hashanah)!!! Come On Now! What are the odds of that??!! Zero to NONE! It’s like the Lord purposefully intended on hiding these numbers within Old and New Testament scripture for us to find them and calculate them in order for us to figure out the Ultimate timeframe of the Rapture! Yet what this Noah Purification Rapture timeline outlines is something even more Brilliant! It outlines the preparation of the Bride of Christ for our King Yeshua HaMashiach! You see, in a Spiritual sense, the 7 day warning is like the bridal week betrothal (mentioned in Genesis 29:14 – 30) where we come to true heart repentance unto salvation, accepting Jesus (Yeshua) into our hearts. The 370 day period Noah was in the ark is a picture of us as the Bride of Christ being baptized (immersed) in water for the remission of sins (1 Peter 3:20 – 21), further asking the Lord in prayer to be infilled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 12). The 270 day conception period is symbolic of bearing good fruit for the Kingdom of God through the use of spiritual gifts in order to listen, obey, and be fully led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). And the final 80 day purification period represents the full consecration of the Bride of Christ to Jesus (Yeshua) before entering our heavenly temple (Esther 2:8 – 14)!
The funniest thing about the Lord revealing the number 727 to me was that back in February 2019 and even before then the Lord kept pointing me to the word “BO.” I saw it on Torahcalendar.com as a Sabbath teaching and I clicked on it and it said that this word was Hebrew for the word “GO.” I told my sister Cassandra about how the Lord was showing me the word BO everywhere, which really meant GO in Hebrew. And right after that the Lord started showing Cassandra BO everywhere too! One day Cassandra made the comment that when she went to the grocery store she looked up before walking down the aisle and saw in big letters BOGO! As soon as she told me about it I laughed and said, “You know, that really means GOGO!” Lol! I knew for sure that the Lord was pointing both of us to that word and I find it significant that the Lord would be showing us the word GO, because that is what we will be doing Very Soon!
When the Lord first revealed the number 727 to me, I immediately thought about the 727 airplane, but I didn’t know the full name of it! So I went online to search for the 727 airplane and guess what the full name of it is?!!! The BOeing 727! As in GOing 727!!! Now, what are the odds that a company would call their product something that really means GOing 727 (like Going in 727 days), which is the EXACT Same timespan from 9/23/17 (the Revelation 12 Sign) to 9/30/19 (Rosh Hashanah)?!! Come On Now! That is quite Ironic! Furthermore, out of all the words that people can use to describe a sale in their store, especially shoe stores… why BOGO?? And if all that weren’t enough, out of all the words that someone can use to name an Airplane, why BOeing?!! Folks, don’t tell me no one knows what time it is! All this is not just a coincidence! The elite in this world know it’s time for the RAPTURE and are intentionally putting it all around us – even to specifically name an Airplane which purposely flies upward into the heavens!! It’s just, Can You SEE it?!! Even when I went on to read the details of the BOeing 727 airplane, guess what type of body airplane it is? A Narrow-body aircraft! As in the Narrow Church Body of Christ! Narrow IS The Way To Life and only a few find it (Matthew 7:13 – 14)!!! Guess how many engines it has? 3! God the Father, God the Son (Jesus, Yeshua), and God the Holy Spirit!! The 3 in 1! What is more, the 727 airplane is known as the only BOeing trijet! And guess what the BOeing 727 is built for?? It is intentionally designed for fewer passengers with shorter flights and can be used on shorter runways at smaller airports! This means only a few will find this Narrow Way to Life through Jesus (Yeshua) in order to be filled up with his Holy Spirit and Raptured out of this world in a short – lightning fast – flight to heaven! Even the Apostle Paul wrote, “Listen, I will tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).” Folks, if you haven’t realized it yet, we are BOeing GOing Home EXTREMELY Soon! Are YOU Ready?!!!
After the Lord revealed all this to me, I thought for sure he would not show me anymore even though I had been earnestly crying out from the bottom of my heart multiple times a day for the Lord to reveal to me the Exact month, day, year and time we are going in the Rapture! Up to this point I thought everything the Lord showed me was significant and was pointing me straight to the day of the Rapture, but I was still not 100 percent sure about it! Then on March 25th, 2019 I went back on Stellarium and wanted to compare the Revelation 12 Sign with the date of Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth to see the similarities between the two so I could better distinguish what the day of the Rapture should look like. I thought to myself that since Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth date and the Revelation 12 Sign were both HUGE signs in the heavens, then maybe their similarities would reveal characteristics of the sign of the Rapture! So I looked at the Revelation 12 Sign on Stellarium first…

As you can see, there are 3 wandering stars (Venus, Mars, and Mercury) that make up the full 12 stars in the constellation Leo, the woman Virgo is clothed with the sun, the moon is at her feet, and she is giving birth to the King planet Jupiter all on the date: 9/23/17! Now let’s take a look at the birth date of Jesus (Yeshua) and see how all these characteristics line up with it…

Here you can see that the King planet Jupiter is converging with the Royal star of Regulus, while the two wandering stars of Venus and Mercury are at the head, neck, and shoulder region of the woman Virgo who is clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet on 9/11/-2.
Now we can compare the two signs of Revelation 12 and Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth to discover all the similarities! The wandering stars that are in common between the two signs are Venus, Mercury, and the King planet Jupiter. Also, we notice that the woman in both signs is clothed with the sun and the moon is at her feet! So here are all the commonalities between these signs that we can use to compare to other dates in the future in order to determine the day of the Rapture! And since the Lord is pointing me to September 30th, 2019, I was eager to see if any of these qualities were the same! So I pulled up September 30th, 2019…

Looking at this date, we immediately notice that the wandering star of Mars is at the head of the woman Virgo, Venus is located within her belly, Mercury is right at the edge of her leg and she is clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet all on 9/30/19! So here we can see that the common characteristics between this sign and the other signs mentioned earlier are the wandering stars Mercury and Venus along with the woman clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet! The only difference here is Mars takes the place of the King planet Jupiter!! Now that nearly 100 percent solidifies this date as the day of the Rapture!
But if that isn’t convincing enough… Here is what the Lord revealed to me on March 26, 2019 that had me JUMPING because it is Completely REVOLUTIONARY! If we go back up to the picture on Stellarium of the sign of Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth, what was the date on it??? 9/11/-2! Now how can Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth date fall on -2 (negative 2) or rather 2 years BEFORE Christ (BC) when he IS the Messiah?!!! That makes Absolutely no sense because Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth would have to be the origin of all time! And for greater understanding on this, here is a drawing depicting what I mean…

According to this picture you can see that Stellarium has Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth date sitting on -2, but if Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth is the origin of all time, that means that it really needs to be sitting at 0! The reason why is because any time after Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth should be considered as AD – after Christ (a positive number) rather than BC – before Christ (a negative number). Thus, this means that Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) birth date would have to be pushed forward in time a whole 2 years! This means All time on Stellarium would have to be shifted forward 2 years!! WOAH!!! Now that is an EPIC Revelation from the Lord!
So what could this possibly mean about THE Greatest End-times Rapture Sign given to man mentioned in Revelation 12 that Stellarium says was to happen on 9/23/17?!! Everyone who knew about the Revelation 12 Sign was watching and waiting Excitedly and Expectantly for the Rapture to occur on 9/23/17, but it didn’t!! Why??? Because we were off by a whole 2 years! And if we are off by a whole 2 years, then 2017 plus 2 years brings us to 2019!!! WOW!! That is Absolutely AMAZING!
IF 2019 is the year of the Rapture as confirmed through Stellarium, then that means that the ONLY date possible within 2019 that even makes sense for the Rapture to fall on is the very day where the woman Virgo is clothed with the sun and the moon is at her feet because it is the only time that aligns with Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth date as well as the Revelation 12 Sign! And the ONLY day that occurs is on September 30th, 2019! Thus, IF September 30, 2019 is the day of the Rapture, then that means it has been Precisely 2 years since the Revelation 12 Sign that was given on 9/23/17! And just how many years did Herod determine for the age range of Jesus (Yeshua) based on the sign the wise men saw in the heavens before he tried to go after him in Matthew Chapter 2?? EXACTLY 2 years and under! The same goes for the Church Body of Christ!! The Revelation 12 Sign on 9/23/17 signified the birth of the Church Body of Christ, but we will not be Raptured up (escape) until we are officially 2 years old and under on 9/30/19 just like Jesus (Yeshua)! WOOO HOOO! OH HALLELUJAH!!!! PRAISE YOU JESUS (YESHUA), WE ARE GOING HOME!!!!
One might ask, why do you believe what is on Stellarium since you don’t really know who created it and now you realize that everything on there is 2 years off?!! My response is that I do not have to have Stellarium to confirm what I am already aware of in the Spirit! The Holy Spirit is the one who is letting me know what time it is and that the Rapture is Imminent! All I am doing is being obedient to what the Word of God calls on ALL of us to do and that is to WATCH (Matthew 24:42-51, Matthew 25:1-13, Mark 13:32-37, Luke 12:35 – 48)! And if we are to be watching for something, then what are we to be watching for? A Sign!!! And where do we need to be watching for a Sign to appear?? The heavens! That is the only reason why I look at Stellarium. Now, if I had a Giant telescope in my back yard to watch the heavens (that the elite in this world have), then I would certainly use it instead, but I do not have anything like that!! And if we think about it, the wise men in Matthew Chapter 2 had to have studied the stars and constellations because they had to know what they were looking for ahead of time before they saw the Messiah’s star in the heavens, signifying his birth! The same goes for us! We have to learn what all these things in the heavens mean in order to understand them, otherwise when we watch, we will not know what we are looking at or looking for! At least the wise men had all this knowledge of the stars and constellations passed down to them through the generations from ancient times, but we do not! Thus, for us it is like re-learning a lost art! I truly believe with all my heart that the Lord God created the heavens for us to look at and come to understand where we are in relation to the Rapture because if he didn’t, then why did he give the wise men understanding of the heavens to discover the very day of his birth?!! You see, looking at the heavens is like looking at an unalterable clock revealing EXACTLY what time it is! No one can touch it and no one can change it! Why else would the Word of God call on us to LOOK UP for your Redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28) if we are not to look up at the heavens to comprehend what time it is?!!
But that’s not all folks… Here is additional information and revelations the Lord later revealed to me! As I was looking before the date of 9/30/19 on Stellarium, I noticed something significant about June 17th, 18th, and 19th that really stood out to me.

Mercury / Mars Conjunction – 6/18/19
As you can see here, the wandering stars of Mars and Mercury conjunct at the side of the man Pollux in Gemini. Gemini is supposedly comprised of 2 twins named Pollux (on the left) and Castor (on the right). Yet, notice that Castor’s right leg looks extended, which does not exactly make these 2 twins! Rather, some sources say that Pollux stands for the bridegroom, who is Jesus (Yeshua) and Castor represents the bride, who is the Church body of Christ with a long train instead of a long leg! This makes complete sense because Mars is known as the war planet and Mercury is known as the messenger planet, thus we have the message of war forming at the side of Jesus (Yeshua) on June 17th, 18th, and 19th. And where exactly was Jesus (Yeshua) pierced by the Roman soldiers before he was taken off the cross in John 19:34? His side! But why is this conjunction signaling war at Jesus (Yeshua’s) side so significant??
It has been announced in current Israel headlines that the Middle East Peace Plan (which is a covenant, treaty, and agreement) is just about to be officially revealed by Jared Kushner and President Donald Trump in the month of June 2019! But, wait a minute! I thought it was the Roman soldiers who pierced Jesus (Yeshua’s) side! So why would that have any relevance to the Middle East Peace Plan being carried out by the American president?!! Because if you didn’t know it already… America is ran by the Roman government! Yes, America is ran by the VERY Same government that put Jesus (Yeshua) on the cross and has consistently persecuted Jews throughout history! And who is in charge of the Roman government in Rome?!! You guessed it! The Pope! The Pope is over the Vatican as well as the Catholic Church! There is no wonder why President Donald Trump is shaking hands with the Pope of Rome because the Pope is the real person behind the scenes who is running the show! If you think about it, how can the American President have the ability to swoop in and create a Middle East Peace Plan when he has no real authority because America is supposedly trillions of dollars in debt?!! He would have to pay someone back before he could ever have any real say in any matter dealing with the Middle East because that is not his territory! And how many times have the American people been told that the government has shut down?!! That’s what they want you to believe because they don’t want you to make this connection to the Roman government and they want people to follow suit with their New World Order plans of a complete government shutdown to implement a one world currency through the RFID (mark of the beast) microchip! The reality is if the government really shut down then there would be no money, no banks, and no open businesses right now! Literally, everything would be shut down if the government really shut down! In reality, it is flat out impossible for the government to shut down because the American government is ran by the Roman government! Thus, there has to be someone in authority hiding behind the scenes backing up the American President who has yet to be revealed! And there is!
Ever since the Lateran Treaty of 1929, the popes have been given sovereignty like kings! So the Pope is not only over the whole Roman government, he is practically a king who is sitting on all the wealth of Rome! Now, with that kind of financial backing, you can put as many puppets in president positions you want and pay them off so that they are in the spotlight and not you! The real reason why the Pope is being hidden so well is because he IS the 8th king counting all the way from the Lateran Treaty of 1929 up to now and the book of Revelations has a prophecy written specifically for him revealing his true identity in Revelation 17:9-11! Who else in the world could possibly fit this description in the book of Revelations to a tee other than him?!! So who do you really think is behind this Middle East Peace Plan?! The Pope, of course!!! Even Daniel 9:27 states that the Antichrist (who has yet to be revealed) will confirm a covenant with many for 7 years, which will be the timespan of the 7 year tribulation! Thus, it will be interesting to see if the unveiling of the Middle East Peace Plan happens during the 17th, 18th, and 19th of June because that perfectly aligns with what is happening in the heavens on Stellarium approximately 3 ½ months before September 30th, 2019! And 3 ½ is Most Definitely a significant number in God’s Word, especially the book of Revelations! The unveiling of the Middle East Peace Plan on these dates will be the fulfillment of a HUGE End-Times prophetic sign written in the book of Daniel, which will not only confirm the validity of Stellarium, but also the rapture soon taking place! Come on folks, can you see that we are right on the cusp of End-Times prophecy being fulfilled right before our very eyes?! Well we certainly are!
And the government certainly knows what time it is because when I went to look up the Revelation 12 Sign on google, the very first thing that popped up was Wikipedia specifically stating that the Revelation 12 Sign was found on September 23, 2017 on Stellarium software! Come on now! Anyone can look this up themselves! If this is not enough validity that the Revelation 12 Sign has already happened and proof of what time it is, then I do not know what is! Even the government is admitting it! Wikipedia coming out and stating that the Revelation 12 Sign has been found should be evidence of what time it is even to those who still believe the government is for them! Wikipedia claims they are not ran by the government, but I can assure you that they are because they claim that William Tapely who is a Catholic, found the Revelation 12 Sign and that is not the truth! Scott Clark, who is not Catholic, found the Revelation 12 Sign first! Wikipedia is taking the side of the government by specifically mentioning and giving credit to the Roman Catholic church as well as someone who is Catholic! And the Lord is not pleased that the government is trying to take credit for the Revelation 12 Sign that has absolutely nothing to do with them! Yet, one thing the government is not willing to admit is that Stellarium is off by a whole 2 years, the Rapture is nigh at hand, and we are on the brink of the 7 year tribulation!
After all this, the Lord gave me a new revelation! He began leading me to several scriptures in Ezekiel that I thought were rather interesting because they refer to the coming of the Lord (which I assume to be on The Last Day before the Millennial Reign begins). Ezekiel 43:1-5 describes how Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord returning to the temple through the Eastern Gate, but Ezekiel 44:1-3 mentions how the Eastern Gate is to remain shut with no one entering through it. So how exactly is the Lord supposed to enter the temple when he returns if the Eastern Gate (the gate in which he is said to return) is to remain shut?!! The fascinating exception comes in Ezekiel 46:1, where the Sovereign Lord says: “The gate of the inner court facing east is to be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it is to be opened. So this scripture suggests that the Eastern Gate will only be opened on Sabbaths and New Moons. Since discovering that 2027 could potentially be the year of The Last Day when the Lord returns, this started me on another tangent to see if Rosh Hashanah (the day of the New Moon) officially fell on a Sabbath day in 2027 or in previous years before it. If so, this would be further evidence written in God’s Word pinpointing the month, day, and year of the coming of the Lord after the 7 year tribulation! So I decided to get on Stellarium to examine each year from 2019 up to 2027 in order to find the precise days where the woman Virgo was clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet (which should technically be Rosh Hashanah). I jotted down each date and went further to examine exactly where each date fell on the Jewish calendar to see if each one legitimately fell after the Fall Equinox, on the Sabbath day, and within Rosh Hashanah. And here is what I found!

Here we see that only 7 days out of 9 years come after the Fall Equinox. And this is important because Rosh Hashanah cannot be declared until after the Fall Equinox since it is the 1st Fall feast day. Narrowing this down even more, we see that only 3 days out of these 7 fall within Rosh Hashanah (the day of the New Moon) declared on the Jewish calendar and this is important because the Eastern Gate will only be open on a Sabbath day or New Moon. And finally, we see that 10/2/2027 is the only date out of these remaining 3 days that falls on a Sabbath day! So 10/2/2027 is the only date out of 9 years that falls after the Fall Equinox, on a Sabbath day, and within Rosh Hashanah! WOW!!! Now what are the odds of that?! As you can see, the odds are very slim! This means that not only are the heavens proclaiming that 2027 is the year of the Return of Jesus (Yeshua), but also the Word of God is pinpointing that 10/2/2027 is the very day Jesus (Yeshua) will appear on the clouds of heaven! Oh Hallelujah!!!
After the Lord revealed All these profound Revelations to me I immediately started Jumping up and down, Shouting, and Praising the Lord at the TOP of my Lungs!!! I literally felt like a prisoner held captive in this world who is just about to be Set FREE! Hallelujah!!! And Oh what JOY and ELATION came over me just to know that we have almost reached the Light at the End of this long dark tunnel and our FREEDOM is Almost HERE! This could only mean that this year of 2019 has to be the Year of Jubilee because it is our year of Freedom! As I flipped through the Word of God, I landed on this scripture that spoke deeply to my heart… “Arise, SHINE, for your Light has Come, and the GLORY of the Lord Rises upon YOU (Isaiah 60:1)!” Our Salvation out of this world is Almost HERE and we are going to be brought into the GLORIOUS Light of the Lord to Shine with him FOREVER! ARE YOU READY?!!! Are YOU Ready for the Rapture?!!
If not, then first just know that the Lord LOVES You IMMENSELY!!! That’s where it all starts! It starts with the heart because that’s the only thing the Lord looks at (1 Samuel 16:7)! And the only way to come to truly accept the Lord into your heart is when you are brought to TRUE heart repentance of your sin. There is a humbling that the Lord brings you through in life in order for you to find him and fully come to understand that you cannot do anything without him! This causes you to reach out for him in the deepest desperation because you realize that no one else can help you or save you (Isaiah 43:11)! You finally come to see that the Lord has forgiven you of much (Luke 7:39 – 47) and that Jesus (Yeshua) has a RADICAL LOVE for you that cannot be found anywhere else in this world (1 John 4:10, John 3:16 – 21)! It can Only be found IN Him! And once you receive him into your heart and life he will begin to transform you into his likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18) as you daily delve into the Word of God (Matthew 4:4).
Now that you have received Jesus (Yeshua) in your heart, it is imperative for you not to stop there, but to continue on in your Salvation walk with him through immersion water baptism for the remission of your sins (Acts 2:38 – 41, 1 Peter 3:19 – 22)! Jesus (Yeshua) himself was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan river (Matthew 3:13 – 17, Luke 3:21 – 22) and if the Perfect, Spotless, Son of God had to be baptized (immersed) in water, then how much more do we need to be baptized (immersed) in water considering that we are imperfect and unclean people (Romans 3:23)?!! Jesus (Yeshua) is our Teacher and he set the perfect example for us to follow in his steps (John 13:13)!
In fulfilling your Salvation walk, you need to ask the Lord in prayer to fill you up with the Holy Spirit along with the evidence of speaking in tongues! On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit lighted on Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) disciples like tongues of fire, they were All filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues (other languages) (Acts 2:1 – 4). And that Very Same POWER is still Alive and Available to YOU today because according to the Word of God, the Lord does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17)! If the Lord sent down the Holy Spirit like tongues of fire in his day, then he Can and Certainly DOES send down the Holy Spirit like tongues of fire upon his True believers today (Joel 2:28 – 32)! The Holy Spirit is God and Jesus (Yeshua) living on the inside of us (John 14:23, 1 John 4:13), leading us like an ever – constant counselor into all Truth (John 14:16 – 17)! And the Holy Spirit is also our 100 percent proof of purchase / guaranteed heaven seal for Redemption Day (Ephesians 1:13 – 14, 2 Corinthians 1:21 – 22), while the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues is our direct line of communication with God the Father!
Now that you have this LORD Line hooked up within you through the Holy Spirit along with the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, you can communicate with God the Father anytime, anyplace, day or night! You have officially become The Church Body of Christ because NOW you belong to the Lord, having the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you (Romans 8:9)!! And as the Word of God says, we need to pray in the Spirit (tongues) on ALL occasions, not just some (Ephesians 6:18)! You need to begin to form an Intimate Personal Relationship with the Lord by getting into His Word daily, allowing the Truth to get inside your heart and convict you of your sins so that you consciously make the decision to rid your life of every uncleanness (John 15:4 – 8) and be fully transformed from the inside out into the likeness of the Lord through the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:2)! On top of that you need to purposefully find time to get alone with the Lord in a quiet place and speak to him often in prayer through the Holy Spirit (tongues) (Matthew 6:6, Jude 1:20). And as you train your ears to hear the Lord’s voice (John 10:27), you need to take note of the various ways he is trying to speak to you, listen to what the Lord is saying (John 8:47), and obey what he tells you to do for him in the Spirit (Luke 11:28)! This way, you are ACTIVELY walking and being led by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16 – 18). And those who are led by the Spirit of God Are sons of God (Romans 8:14)!
Having the Holy Spirit is vital because it is the only thing that is going to heaven! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50)! So what can?!! The Holy Spirit living on the inside of you!! Going to a Church building is not going to get you to heaven because God does not dwell in man-made temples (Acts 17:24)! You have been given freedom to be the Church Anywhere through the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17)! What is more, the Lord wants to bring you to a whole NEW level where you relinquish all doubts and questions of him in your heart and fully revere him as your God, acknowledging that he is good, he is righteous and holy in Every Way! He wants to bring you to the point where you completely surrender your whole heart, your whole life, and your whole will to constantly being led by his Holy Spirit! Now that is Truly walking with the Lord!
You see, your REAL Purpose in life is found in the Life Giver (Jesus – Yeshua)!!! He has plans for you that he has specifically designed you to do for him already written out before you even came into being! These plans are to prosper you and give you Hope and a Bright Future with him (Jeremiah 29:11)! Once you yield your whole heart, life, and will to him and tap into his plans for you, you can know for certain what the Lord desires for you to do for him! And when you fully obey what he shows you to do for him in the Holy Spirit, this is where you can Truly be used as a willing vessel for the Kingdom of God and for the Lord’s Glory, Honor, and Praise! The Lord will then make YOU a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19)! You see, you are an Intricate part of God’s Redemptive plan of Salvation!! You are Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) ambassador here on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20)! You are made on Purpose for a GREAT Purpose! And your purpose resides in the Master Creator of it ALL, Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach!
Trust me, following the Lord is not going to be easy… In fact, as true believers being led by the Holy Spirit, you will receive MUCH persecution for the sake of Jesus (Yeshua) (2 Timothy 3:12)! And if you are not being persecuted for your faith (1 Timothy 6:12), then more than likely you are not following the Holy Spirit because as true believers we will be sharing in the sufferings of Jesus (Yeshua) so that we might share in his glory (Romans 8:17, 1 Peter 4:13)! And Oh what a blessing it will turn out to be for those who suffer for Jesus (Yeshua) because they bear His name (1 Peter 4:16, Luke 6:22)!! If Jesus (Yeshua) and the prophets were persecuted, scoffed, and mocked, rest assured you will be also (Matthew 5:11 – 12)! There will be many scoffers, mockers, deception, and godlessness in these last days (Colossians 2:8, 2 Timothy 3:1 – 5, 2 Peter 2, 2 Peter 3:3 – 13, Jude 1:3 – 16)! You will even be persecuted by your family and those closest to you (Luke 12:51 – 53, Mark 6:1 – 6)! If Jesus (Yeshua) was not accepted by this world, rest assured you will not be accepted either (John 15:18 – 21, John 14:17, Matthew 10:22)! Let us Rejoice in our trials, sufferings, and persecutions for the name of Jesus (Yeshua), for GREAT is our reward in heaven (James 1:2 – 4, 1 Peter 4:12 – 13, Hebrews 10:32 – 39)! And Remember to Remain in the Love of the Lord by building yourself up in your most holy faith and by praying in the Spirit (tongues) always (Jude 1:20 – 21)!
I Love You ALL my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus (Yeshua)! God Bless You!! Jesus (Yeshua) LOVES You with All his heart! It’s TIME to Make 100 percent SURE that You, Your whole family, and Everyone around you are filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit for Rapture Day! It is Practically RIGHT HERE Upon Us and Everyone needs to be Ready NOW!!! I cannot express my URGENCY enough in writing this!! PLEASE Do ALL You Can to make sure you have Jesus (Yeshua) in your heart and are filled up and overflowing with his Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, because it is evidence unto you so that you can know for certain He lives inside of you!!! And PLEASE share this post with as many people as you possibly can because there is NO MORE TIME!!! TIME IS UP! ZERO HOUR is NOW! There are SO MANY people in the world who still need to receive Jesus (Yeshua) into their heart and be filled up with his Holy Spirit, but there is Extremely Little Time Left! Now is definitely not the time to be doubting or questioning what you believe because the Imminence of the Rapture IS HERE! It’s time to have our lamps filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit so that we are Shining Brightly for the Lord as we await the Rapture in Excited anticipation to be taken home to our Lord and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach for All Eternity! Let us REJOICE and Shout for JOY as we see this Glorious Day Appearing!
Arise, SHINE, For Your Light Has COME!!!