***CLICK HERE to Check out the NEW Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2021 post***
For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her Righteousness shines out like the dawn, her Salvation like a Blazing torch!
-Isaiah 62:1
As a Watchwoman for the Lord Jesus Yeshua, I have been given the assignment from the Lord in a vision back in 2016 to sound the trumpet for the Rapture as a spiritual warning of things to come in the near future and that is still what I intend on doing! And if we look to scripture, the Lord God specifically stated in Jeremiah 6:17, “I appointed watchmen over you and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But you said, ‘We will not listen.’” Thus, according to this scripture we know that the watchman is the one who sounds the trumpet as an ALARM of things to come! And that is Precisely what the Lord has shown me to do! Even the Lord proclaimed to his people in Isaiah 62:6, “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night!” What is More, John 10:2 – 3 reveals that the Watchman is the one who opens the gate for the Good Shepherd (Jesus, Yeshua) to come into the sheep pen with his sheep! Now that is EXTREMELY Important! Yet the Lord’s sheep are the ones who actually Hear his voice! And those who have ears to hear the Lord’s voice have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of them and will be awakened by the Lord through his Holy Spirit as to what time it is! Ultimately, my heart’s prayer is that the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) use this post to AWAKEN those who have ears to hear (God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of them) and those who do not have ears to hear to What Time It Is so that Everyone will come to be filled with God’s Holy Spirit and sealed for the Rapture!
One day I was looking around on TorahCalendar.com and I came across an article about the birth of the Messiah. To my amazement when I scrolled down, I saw this picture of the heavenly sign of Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth…

As you can see here, the woman Virgo is clothed with the sun and the moon is at her feet on the date September 11th, 3 BC (located in the upper right-hand corner)! I realized that these findings perfectly aligned with Rick Larson’s findings on the Bethlehem Star!

In his documentary, Rick used his Starry Night astronomy software to find the exact date Jesus (Yeshua) was born and he discovered that it landed on September 11th, 3 BC! So I thought, could it be that Jesus (Yeshua) was indeed born on September 11th, 3 BC since both TorahCalendar.com and Rick Larson’s findings were perfectly aligning with each other?!! If so, this would mean that Jesus (Yeshua’s) birthdate on Stellarium (a free downloadable astronomy software) was off! But how could this be?
If we look at September 11th, 3 BC on Stellarium, here is what comes up…

Examining this picture, we see that this could Not be Jesus (Yeshua’s) birthdate because the woman Virgo is clothed with the sun, but the moon is Not at her feet!

However, if we go forward a whole year on Stellarium we can see the woman Virgo is clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet and the planet Jupiter is conjuncting with the royal star Regulus in Leo the Lion signifying Jesus’ birth! Notice that the date at the upper left-hand corner says -2, which means 2 BC! Not 3 BC! This proves that Stellarium’s date for the birth of the Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua), is not accurate and is off by a whole year! And to back up this claim, we have two entirely different sources: Torah Calendar and Rick Larson who both have found Jesus (Yeshua’s) birthdate to be on September 11th, 3 BC! That should be enough evidence to prove that Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth had to be on September 11th, 3 BC!
Now that we know Jesus (Yeshua’s) true birthdate, there is one more thing that we must know indefinitely before we can determine the timeframe for the Rapture and that is the validity of the GREATEST Rapture sign given to man known as the Revelation 12 Sign!

The Revelation 12 Sign pictured above was discovered by Scott Clarke using Stellarium software, where the sign landed on the date September 23rd, 2017! However, since we have now discovered Stellarium’s inaccuracy in Jesus (Yeshua’s) birthdate, we have to find an accurate source to verify if the Revelation 12 Sign was really found on September 23rd, 2017! Since Rick Larson used Starry Night astronomy software to find his accurate discovery of Jesus (Yeshua’s) birthdate, all we have to do is look at Starry Night software to see where the Revelation 12 Sign lands. Since I do not have Starry Night software myself, I did some research online to see if the Revelation 12 Sign had been found on that particular software…

And sure enough here is an actual picture of the Revelation 12 Sign found on September 23rd, 2017 on Starry Night software! This is even more evidence solidifying that the Revelation 12 Sign is indeed on September 23rd, 2017! Yet here is what literally got me jumping up and down!
As I sat down to draw all this information out on paper, here is what I discovered!!

At the top of this picture I drew a timeline spanning 3 BC to 3 AD. We must keep in mind that BC means “Before Christ” and AD means “After Christ.” Since Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth has been found on 3 BC on Starry Night software, I wrote it on -3 on this timeline. However, realistically there is no way that Jesus (Yeshua) can be born on 3 BC “Before Christ” when he IS the Messiah! This means that Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth would have to be shifted forward a whole 3 years to sit on 0 because any time after Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth should be considered AD (a positive number), rather than BC (a negative number)! Thus, Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth is the origin of all time! And if Jesus (Yeshua’s) birth must be shifted forward 3 years, then that means ALL time on Starry Night software would have to be shifted forward by 3 years!!!
So what could this possibly mean about THE Greatest Rapture Sign given to man known as the Revelation 12 Sign that happened on 9/23/17?!! Everyone who knew about the Revelation 12 Sign were watching and waiting Excitedly and Expectantly for the Rapture to occur on 9/23/17 because if we think about it, Jesus’ birth sign in the heavens was given on the Exact day that he was born in Matthew chapter 2! In the same way, the Revelation 12 Sign is a picture of the Rapture, signifying the birth of the Church body of Christ, but the Rapture never happened on 9/23/17! Why Not??? Because according to Starry Night software we weren’t just off by 2 years! We are off by a whole 3 years!! And if we are off by a whole 3 years, then 2017 plus 3 years brings us to 2020!!! WOOHOO!! Praise You Jesus (Yeshua)!!! Now that is an EPIC Revelation from the Lord! But if you think that is Awesome, just wait till you see this!
On discovering that the Fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign would have to take place in 2020, I was curious to see where the New Year (Rosh Hashanah) would land on TorahCalendar.com since Rosh Hashanah is known as the “hidden day” where no one knows the day nor the hour!

Bringing up the September 2020 calendar, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw that Rosh Hashanah begins sunset September 27th, 2020 and ends on sunset September 29th, 2020 (written in small black letters at the bottom of each box)! As you can see on this calendar, I circled 3 numbers at the upper left-hand corner of each box beginning with the first day of Rosh Hashanah! Since Rosh Hashanah lasts 2 whole days – 48 hours – from sunset to sunset, this would span 3 boxes! And if we go back to the 3 box vision the Lord showed me in October 2017…

If we overlay this 3 box vision on top of the 3 circled boxes on the calendar, where Exactly does the 2nd box that has the word “Coming” in it land? It lands right on the 29th!!! This got me SUPER Excited because the 29th is the EXACT day that the Lord audibly whispered to me was The Day of the Rapture! Oh Hallelujah!!! Thank You Jesus (Yeshua)!!
Even if you write out the date September 29th, 2020 in two-digit backslash format (00/00/00), you get 09/29/20! Notice that we only have to add the month (09 – the Beginning) and the year (20 – the End) and we get the day 29 (the Beginning & the End)!! Come On Now! What are the odds of that?? I find this to be no coincidence to the Lord because he is The Alpha & The Omega, The First & The Last, The Beginning & The End (Revelation 22:13)! But that’s not all folks!!
If we look at where Rosh Hashanah is being declared on this calendar, it is being declared on “Yom Kippur,” the Day of Atonement! And this is significant because the Only year that Rosh Hashanah lands on the Day of Atonement according to the Word of God is on a Jubilee Year!!! Leviticus 25:8 – 10 states, “Count off seven Sabbaths of years – seven times seven years – so that the seven Sabbaths of years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.” This means that the Rapture will not just take place on Rosh Hashanah – the beginning of the Jewish Civil New Year – known as the “hidden day” where no one knows the day nor the hour, but it will also take place on The Day of Atonement – known as Judgement Day, as well as The Jubilee Year – known as the Year of Freedom where all God’s children will return to his family! WOAH!!! Now how EXCITING is that?!!!
Going back to the calendar, notice that The Feast of Trumpets “Yom Teruah” is NOT Rosh Hashanah (the beginning of the New Year) in a Jubilee Year, so they are celebrated on different days! A lot of people put Rosh Hashanah and “Yom Teruah” Feast of Trumpets together as if they are one in the same, so for the longest time I thought that they were the same thing, but in all actuality they are not! Rosh Hashanah is the actual beginning of the Jewish Civil New Year, but “Yom Teruah” Feast of Trumpets is the first Autumn feast day! So on a Jubilee year, “Yom Teruah” Feast of Trumpets comes before the Rosh Hashanah Jewish Civil New Year! I even used to believe that the Jubilee was from 2017 to 2018, but that can’t be true because Rosh Hashanah would have to land on the same day as the day of Atonement! I also used to think that the Rapture had to happen on Yom Teruah because it is known as the Feast of Trumpets where 100 trumpets are sounded, but I later discovered that there is actually a trumpet sounded on The Day of Atonement as well, but it is Only 1 trumpet! And in my recent Rapture dream on October 12th, 2019, I heard The Trumpet call of the Lord sound (which was only 1 trumpet sound) and I was immediately lifted up to heaven in the Rapture!
Several months later, on May 22nd, 2020 the Lord gave me a profound Revelation around 9:40 pm as I was laying in my bed. I saw a vision of the name Joel and instantly I thought about the book of Joel in the Bible, so I flipped to Joel and came to a scripture I had underlined, Joel 2:15 – 16, which reads, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber.” This passage of scripture Most Definitely reminded me of the Rapture! It mentions a trumpet being sounded to gather the elders and little children together for a sacred assembly where the bridegroom (Jesus – Yeshua) will leave his room and the bride (the Church body of Christ) will leave her chamber to join each other – just like a wedding! The Holy Spirit kept pointing out to me the words “sacred assembly” in this scripture, because I had just read the day before in Leviticus about the feast days of the Lord and most of them were called “sacred assemblies.” However, this particular sacred assembly mentioned in Joel was depicted by the sounding of a trumpet and the declaration of a holy fast! So I knew the Holy Spirit was pointing me to something and was just about to reveal something INCREDIBLE!
Immediately, I flipped to Leviticus to read about each feast day of the Lord! Passover / Unleavened Bread was the first feast day of the Lord mentioned in Leviticus, where a sacred assembly was only held on the 7th day with an offering made to the Lord by fire, no regular work, No fasting, and No trumpet blasts. So Passover / Unleavened Bread was ruled out! Next was Firstfruits, which never mentioned a sacred assembly at all, just several offerings and sacrifices to the Lord, No fasting, and No trumpet blasts. So Firstfruits was ruled out! Feast of Weeks followed with no sacred assembly, several offerings and sacrifices to the Lord, No fasting, and No trumpet blasts. So Feast of Weeks was ruled out! Finally, Feast of Trumpets mentioned a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts, an offering made to the Lord by fire, no regular work, but NO fasting!! When I ruled out Feast of Trumpets, I thought to myself… then what feast day could it possibly be?!! Then the very next feast day of the Lord was The Day of Atonement, a sacred assembly in which you must deny yourselves… Fast! And in the Year of Jubilee on The Day of Atonement a trumpet is sounded everywhere to consecrate the 50th year! AH HA!!! It HAD to be The Day of Atonement! Even though the very last feast day of the Lord was Feast of Tabernacles, I already knew that this sacred assembly mentioned in Joel had to be The Day of Atonement because the Feast of Tabernacles is a celebration of the harvest! So there would be NO fasting at harvest time! I could hardly believe that the Lord was confirming to me through this scripture in Joel that the Rapture was going to actually take place on The Day of Atonement! Yet if we think about it, it makes complete sense that the Rapture would take place on The Day of Atonement because if the church body of Christ is to be united with Jesus (Yeshua) in marriage, then that means the church body of Christ will be engrafted into Jesus (Yeshua’s) family – who is Israel! Thus, the atonement (cleansing) of Israel must be made before the church body of Christ can enter heaven to be united with Israel! These Revelations from the Lord confirmed to me Even More that September 29th, 2020 is INDEED The Day of the Rapture because it lands on The Day of Atonement!
There is HUGE significance to the number 29 when it comes to the Lord not only because the Lord whispered to me that it is the Day of the Rapture, but because the UN 181 Resolution to establish the State of Israel happened on November 29th, 1947! Come on Now! What are the odds that this date would land on the 29th?? There is No Way this is just coincidence with the Lord! He knows and sees Everything! And if we analyze this very significant date along with the Fig Tree Generation of Israel, we can glean deeper understanding of where we are sitting at on the End Times prophetic timeline!
Here is a picture of the UN Resolution 181 / Fig Tree Generation Timeline…

It is first important to understand that the Fig Tree Generation is the nation of Israel and it is the generation of God’s people who will witness the coming of the Lord on the clouds of heaven on “the Last Day” after the 7 year tribulation! This generation is spoken of in Psalm 90:10 where it says, “the length of our days is 70 years – or 80, if we have the strength…” So the timespan of the Fig Tree Generation is 10 years max, 70 to 80 years from the establishment of the State of Israel! Now, looking at this picture, if we go 70 years forward from 11/29/1947 (UN 181 Resolution to establish the State of Israel), that brings us to 11/29/2017! If we add just 3 years to that, it brings us to 11/29/2020! And if we tack on the 7 year tribulation to this, then it brings us to 11/29/2027! A full 80 years! Therefore, if the Rapture is to take place BEFORE the 7 year tribulation begins, then according to this timeline, what year would the Rapture have to happen?? You guessed it!! 2020! Even though this timeline outlines a full 80 years, which is the maximum length of the Fig Tree Generation, we MUST not forget what scripture says, “…if we have the strength.” This means that the Rapture could very well happen before 11/29/2020! And based on what the Lord has already revealed, I am pretty much 100% certain that the Rapture will happen before then on 9/29/2020!
There is Most Definitely something significant about 3 years when it comes to the Lord! One day the Lord gave me yet another Revelation from His Word in Isaiah 37:30 – 32 which reads, “This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that. But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit. Once more a remnant from the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above. For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” When I read this scripture, the Lord revealed to me that it was talking about a remnant of survivors from the Tribe of Judah who will be Raptured up to heaven! This remnant would take root on earth for God’s Kingdom and would bear fruit in heaven by God’s Holy Spirit for 3 years! In the first year (2017 to 2018) they would eat what grew by itself – what was given by God – The Revelation 12 Rapture Sign 9/23/17! In the second year (2018 to 2019) they would eat what springs from that… Even More Revelations from the Lord! But in the third year (2019 to 2020) they will Sow and Reap! They will plant vineyards and eat their fruit! Because the 3rd year is when this band of survivors from Jerusalem and Mount Zion will be Raptured up to heaven to enjoy the fruit of the harvest for God’s Kingdom with Jesus (Yeshua) for all eternity! And the ZEAL of the Lord will Accomplish this! Amen!!
I wondered how old Jesus was when he began his ministry on earth, how long Jesus’ ministry was on earth, and how old Jesus was when he finished his ministry on earth. So I researched all these questions online and to my Surprise, guess how old Jesus was when he began his ministry on earth?!! About 30 years old! This means Jesus had to be none other than 29 years old! WOW! The number 29 again! And guess how long Jesus’ ministry was on earth?!! About 3 years! WOAH!! There is 3 years again! Thus, how old was Jesus when he finished his ministry on earth?!! About 33 years old! Yet what is ASTOUNDING is that I had my first encounter with the Lord on January 1st, 2017 when I was 29 years old! Soon after that I began God Like Fire Ministries a few months before my 30th birthday! And this year of 2020 makes 3 years that I have had God Like Fire Ministries! On top of that, I will be turning 33 this year! Thus, I started God Like Fire Ministries when I was 29, about 30! Could it be that this Grand Finale known as The Rapture will occur this year of 2020 when I am about 33…Just like Jesus?!! WOAH!!! Now that is Absolutely OUTSTANDING!!! And I would be completely honored with all my heart to finally enjoy the fruit of this harvest with my Savior Jesus (Yeshua) FOREVER in heaven! Hallelujah!!
At the end of March through the beginning of April, my sister Cassandra and I went to stay with our grandparents for a while since everyone was avidly being told to Stay Home and not go anywhere unless to see the elderly! And one day as I was walking through my Grandma’s kitchen on the way to the front bedroom, I looked down at her answering machine and it kept flashing 3C over and over again! Instantly the Lord reminded me of the 3C Exit sign he showed me in a vision back on 9/23/17 (the day of the Revelation 12 Sign)! Immediately the Lord put it in my Spirit that we are there! We are at the 3C Exit!! We are getting On the Exit Ramp! And you know how long it takes to get to the main highway once you get on the Exit Ramp… Not Long At ALL!!! Around the same time, my sister Cassandra got some news confirming the dream she had on September 4th, 2017 where we drifted safely into the ark in the ocean and as she reached out for her wedding pillow, it drifted away from her. This confirmed to me that we have made it safely in the ark, just as we have made it safely onto the Exit Ramp for our rapidly approaching Exit right out of here in the Rapture!
Afterwards, the Lord kept leading me to John 4:35 where Jesus said to his disciples, “Do you not say, ‘Four more months and then the harvest’? At first I couldn’t quite understand why the Lord kept leading me to this particular scripture, but then the Holy Spirit revealed something AMAZING! The Lord had me go back to the previous scripture of the Samaritan woman at the well to understand that Jesus (Yeshua) was telling the woman at the well about the “Living Water,” which is God’s precious Holy Spirit! And Jesus (Yeshua) went on to tell this woman whom he had completely gone out of his way to see, that those who drink the water that he gives them (God’s Holy Spirit) will become within him a spring of Living Water welling up to Eternal Life! Amen!! But there’s more to this! Exactly what Feast Day of the Lord has to do with the Holy Spirit?!! You guessed it! The Day of Pentecost! The Holy Spirit was letting me know that Jesus (Yeshua) did not just show up to meet this woman at the well on some random day… No! Jesus (Yeshua) had a set appointed time to meet this woman on The Day of Pentecost to specifically tell her about God’s precious Holy Spirit that he would later pour out on all his disciples! Woah! Now how Brilliant is that?!!! Once Jesus (Yeshua’s) disciples arrived, they noticed he had been with the Samaritan woman at the well and had not eaten anything. That’s when Jesus said, “Do you not say, ‘Four more months and then the harvest’? So why did Jesus say this?? What was Jesus meaning?? Four more months from when?? That very day of Pentecost! This reveals that the harvest (the Rapture) would take place 4 months after The Day of Pentecost! So I scrambled to look at the Jewish calendar! Pentecost was at the very end of May, so 4 months after that (starting with June) landed right on September! WOW! How AWESOME is that?!!! This was yet more confirmation from the Lord that the Rapture would Certainly take place in September!
Subsequently, on May 18th, 2020, we spent the night with our grandparents again. I laid down in the front bedroom to go to sleep facing my Grandma’s antique vanity that had a double picture frame sitting in the middle with 2 big pictures in it. One of them was a black and white picture of my Grandma right after she was married and the other one was of my Grandpa in his army suit and hat. I could also see a smaller black and white picture on the opposite side of the vanity of my Grandma and Grandpa on their wedding day and they looked so happy! I knew the Lord was putting these pictures in front of me because I needed to pray for my grandparents! As I started praying for Grandma and Grandpa while staring at my Grandpa’s picture directly facing me, the Lord had me know through his precious Holy Spirit that my Grandpa had been asking the Lord in prayer to receive the Holy Spirit! Then the Lord laid it heavily upon me in the Spirit that the Lord was Wanting to and was Going to baptize my Grandpa Gammons in his Holy Spirit and with Fire! And Oh what a POWERFUL feeling I instantly felt within the Spirit! I mean it literally felt like Fire! I could feel the heat of this Fire within me so much so that I had to throw off all my covers and I could not sleep a wink because I could literally feel the heat emanating off my body! I could hardly contain this Holy Spirit Fire that I was feeling in the Spirit! I knew that I needed to pray for Grandpa Immediately and let him know what the Lord was revealing to me through the Holy Spirit! However, by then it was really late, so when I got up I thought to myself, if my Grandpa is still up then I need to talk to him and pray with him Right Now! That is the Urgency the Lord laid on me in Spirit… RIGHT NOW! Not tomorrow! Right Now! So I got up, cracked open the door, and he had already gone to bed! I thought to myself that maybe I could go to his room and wake him up and tell him, but I decided not to and laid back down. However, looking back, I know I should have went and told him Immediately because the Holy Spirit was laying it upon me So Urgently to tell him!
I woke up the next morning not having a clue of what I was going to say to Grandpa or how I was going to say it, but I prayed for the Lord to give me the right words to say and the Lord gave me the boldness! When Grandpa walked into the kitchen to sit down on his stool to eat breakfast, I walked up to him. I told him that the Lord had revealed something to me through the Holy Spirit… that he had been asking the Lord in prayer to receive the Holy Spirit and that the Lord let me know that he not only wanted to baptize him in his Holy Spirit, but with Fire! Right then I reached my hand across the island and took a hold of Grandpa’s hand. I started praying to the Lord in the Holy Spirit (tongues) and in my own words requesting the Lord to baptize Grandpa with his Holy Spirit and with Fire! And I could feel God’s Holy Spirit come over me in POWER as I was praying in the Holy Spirit – it was like water welling up out of a spring! It just came pouring out from my heart! I then walked around the island where Grandpa was sitting and embraced him in my arms as I prayed to the Lord saying, “Grandpa is a willing vessel who has opened up his heart to You Lord and we invite You to come dwell within this temple through Your precious Holy Spirit! Come dwell inside Grandpa! Come dwell in this place! You are invited here!!” I could feel Grandpa crying as I embraced him while Cassandra and I prayed for him! And as soon as we got done praying for him he said “Thank you for praying for me” and that he knew the Lord had revealed this to me because he had sure enough been asking the Lord in prayer to receive the Holy Spirit! I responded to him saying, “Just expect it, because it’s coming! It’s gonna come welling up from inside of you!! You are going to know it is the Holy Spirit, because it is going to come bubbling out of you! Just like a woman expecting her child… I’m telling you, It’s Coming! So get Excited!!!
Around this same time people were being told to Stay Home and to not go Anywhere if possible because all the northern states were being locked down with no one allowed to travel anywhere! All the businesses were being shut down except grocery stores and if you had to go get food from the grocery store you were urged to wear a face mask with gloves, to not get around anybody or touch your face, and to make sure that afterwards you wash, wash, wash your hands! This was a HUGE Wake Up Call not just for those in the United States, but all over the world that our reliance upon the world’s system is quickly crumbling apart! And folks, that’s how fast it can happen! When you are running out of resources just to survive, do you think the government really cares?!! Absolutely NOT! Because this IS their Ultimate Plan! If they can make all of society dependent upon the system, then once the system crumbles, there is nowhere for people to run to! And they KNOW This! They know that once people run out of their resources there are going to be Uprisings and this is going to give the government the Wide Open door to declare martial law, forcing people out of their homes into FEMA camps, Sam’s Clubs, and Walmarts all over the nation to enforce the RFID mark of the beast microchip on people to implement the New World Order! And people will have no choice because they have to buy their food and be able to sell! Yet the Word of God specifically states that anyone who takes the mark of the beast will NOT make it to heaven (Revelation 14:9 – 11)!
YES, it has been leaked for many years that the government has been spending trillions of dollars building Gigantic underground tunnels underneath Walmarts across the nation preparing for the enforcement of the RFID mark of the beast microchip! It has also been leaked that the government has been running Jade Helm drills across the nation preparing the military for martial law to combat civil uprisings, forcing people out of their homes into these places! And we know through my previous posts that the Real person behind the scenes running the government is none other than Pope Francis of Rome (the 8th king beast spoken of in the Book of Revelation) who will be trying to create a one world order government and religion! So if you Really think the government is FOR you, then think again!! Thankfully, I know that the Lord is going to deliver his people out of here in the Rapture before things reach that Extreme because God’s people are not appointed to his wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9)! However, the Lord never said that his people would not go through anything at all! Rather, the Word of God states that true believers in Jesus (Yeshua) will be persecuted for their faith in him (James 1:2 – 4, Luke 21:12)!! Thus, we have witnessed the first part of the Ultimate Plan of the government and the Word of God says that when we see all these things to LOOK UP for our Redemption is drawing nigh (Luke 21:28)! The Rapture is Right up ahead! So Hold On!
There are some people who do not believe that there is a pre-Tribulation Rapture! Yet one day the Lord led me to a passage of scripture in the book of Revelation that really got me thinking… I flipped to Revelation 3:10 and read under the church in Philadelphia, “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.” This scripture in Revelation revealed to me that there is going to be an hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth! And exactly what “hour of trial” could this scripture possibly be talking about?!! The 7 year Tribulation of course! If we read through all the churches mentioned in Revelation chapter 3, we notice that the church of Philadelphia is the Only One that the Lord specifically says will be kept from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world! So this means that the rest of the churches mentioned in Revelation Chapter 3 will have to go through the 7 year tribulation where they will all be tested! But how can this church of Philadelphia be kept from the 7 year tribulation that is to come upon the Entire world?!! The ONLY way is if they are Saved out of this world through the Rapture! It’s the only thing that makes sense! And going back to Revelation 3:8, we read that the Lord specifically told the church of Philadelphia that he has placed before them an open door that no one can shut! WOW!! How POWERFUL is that?!!! This reminds me of the passage of scripture in Matthew Chapter 25, which talks about how the wise virgins were ready for the Bridegroom (Jesus – Yeshua) to come with their lamps full of oil (God’s Holy Spirit) and when the Bridegroom came, he opened the door for them to come into the wedding banquet! However, once the foolish virgins returned, they could not enter because the door had been shut! The Lord would not open the door up for them, instead, he said to the foolish virgins, “I tell you the truth, I don’t know you!” This goes to show that the Lord has placed an open door before those within the church of Philadelphia because they have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of them! They are the wise virgins who will make it into the wedding banquet and will not have the door shut in their face to endure the wrath of God (the 7 year tribulation) because God Knows them! They are His! They are filled up with his precious Holy Spirit and are sealed for the day of Redemption! And according to these scriptures, they will INDEED be Safely Raptured up to heaven Before the 7 year tribulation begins!
You see, for the longest time I never even knew the meaning of Zion mentioned in the Word of God! Although I had gone to church buildings and heard numerous pastors and preachers teach the Word of God nearly my whole life, no one ever taught me what Zion stood for, nor the significance of Zion in relation to being born again in the Spirit! So the Lord himself taught me through his Word that Zion is the City of the Living God in heaven! And one day my sister Cassandra got a HUGE revelation from the Lord when she read Psalm 87:5 – 7, “Indeed of Zion it will be said, ‘This one and that one were born in her, and the Most High himself will establish her.’ The Lord will write in the register of the peoples: ‘This one was born in Zion.’ As they make music they will sing, ‘All my fountains are in you.’” The Lord revealed to Cassandra through this scripture that true believers in Jesus (Yeshua) who are born again through God’s Holy Spirit have been born in Zion! This means that when we receive God’s Holy Spirit, we are not born again in the physical flesh! Instead, we are born in the Spirit within Zion, the City of the Living God! WOW!! How AWESOME is that?!!! On top of that, this scripture says that the Lord has an actual register of peoples in which he will write beside those who have been born again through his precious Holy Spirit, “This one was born in Zion!” WOAH!!! How INCREDIBLE is that?!!! Thus, those who are filled up with God’s Holy Spirit have literally been seated in heavenly places with Jesus (Yeshua) just as scripture says (Ephesians 2:6 – 7) because they have been born in Zion! AMAZING!!!
Now that we understand the significance of Zion, we read in Isaiah 66:7 – 9 that, “Before she goes into labor, she gives birth… she delivers a son! Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day? Or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children! Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?!!” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?!!” says your God. Now if we think about this scripture, it is a picture of a woman giving birth to a son just like the Revelation 12 Sign! And the Revelation 12 Sign is the BIGGEST Rapture sign there could Ever be!!! So the son that the woman is giving birth to in this scripture is in all actuality the Church body of Christ! Thus, when this scripture says that this woman gives birth Before she goes into labor, it really means that the Church body of Christ will be birthed out of this world in the Rapture BEFORE the 7 year tribulation labor comes upon her! Oh Hallelujah! And the Lord is exclaiming about the birth of the Church body of Christ… Who has Ever seen or heard such things?! Who has ever witnessed a nation or country being born in a moment?!! Then the Lord goes on to say something POWERFUL! “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not bring delivery?!! Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?!!” So what Exactly is the Lord saying here…? The Lord is promising DELIVERANCE out of this world through the Rapture to his true believers filled up with his Holy Spirit and Nothing can Stop it! When Delivery Day comes, we are OUTTA HERE! Thank You Lord! Praise You Jesus (Yeshua)!!!
My Dear Brother and Sister in Jesus (Yeshua), there is NO MORE time left! I cannot express my URGENCY enough! PLEASE DO ALL YOU CAN to make 100 percent sure that you, your family, loved ones, and everyone around you have been baptized (submerged) in water, have asked the Lord in prayer to receive his Holy Spirit and have been baptized – filled up and overflowing – with God’s precious Holy Spirit TODAY with Evidence of the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues for direct communication with God the Father! It is Well past ZERO hour! You Need to know NOW that you have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of you by the gifts of the Spirit – such as speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians chapter 12)! The Word of God specifically states that if you do not have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of you, then you do NOT belong to God (Romans 8:9)!! And Jesus put it plainly in John 3:3, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again!” Furthermore, Jesus said in John 3:5, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit!” In addition, the Word of God says that if you are not led by the Spirit of God, then you are NOT Sons of God (Romans 8:14)! Being led by the Spirit of God is a much Deeper walk with the Lord that he wants Everyone to experience so you can be called sons and daughters of the Most High!
You do not need to be like the foolish virgins in Matthew chapter 25 who went at the last minute to try to buy the oil (God’s Holy Spirit) to fill up their lamps so they wouldn’t burn out because God’s Holy Spirit CANNOT be bought! You CANNOT buy the Holy Spirit from going to a church building, being spoon-fed the Word of God by a preacher, or putting your money in an offering plate! Not being able to get out and go places and do things like everyone used to should be enough to teach us that we MUST have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of us! We all need to be taking this time at our homes on our faces Repenting and Seeking the Lord with all our hearts, sincerely asking the Lord in prayer to fill us up with his Holy Spirit instead of thinking that we have to be in a church building in order to find the Lord! God does not dwell in man-made temples (Acts 17:24 – 25)! He dwells inside of us through his Holy Spirit! I have said this over and over again in my posts! NOW we are witnessing the reality of the Word of God coming true when no one can go to church buildings and if they do they have to wear a face mask, have their temperature checked, and sit 6 feet apart from each other! That doesn’t even sound right! How can anyone be the salt and the light this way?!!! No one can! That’s why we MUST have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of us so we can be the church Everywhere! The Lord Jesus (Yeshua) paid for your FREEDOM on the cross to be the church Everywhere so that you do not have to be tied to a pew! For he whom the Son sets Free is Free INDEED (John 8:36)! Yet I have always believed that when True believers in Jesus (Yeshua) who are filled up with God’s Holy Spirit can no longer be the salt and the light in this dark world, the Lord is going to Rapture his True believers out of here! And that is Exactly what is happening Right Now! This proves to me without a doubt that the Rapture is right at the door! Are YOU Ready?!!!
Happy Jubilee Year Everybody!!! It is officially my 20th post on God Like Fire Ministries in this year of 2020!! Yet it is no coincidence to the Lord! He has perfectly orchestrated everything on God Like Fire Ministries from the beginning through his precious Holy Spirit and he will get all the GLORY, HONOR, and PRAISE through it! And just as there is no coincidence to the Lord that he made perfect vision in humans to be 20/20, I believe with all my heart that True believers in Jesus (Yeshua) will finally get to SEE him Face to Face this year of 2020! So let us sound the trumpet in Victory! Let us REJOICE in Triumph and SHOUT aloud for Joy! For the Appointed Time has Come!! The JUBILEE 2020 Rapture of FREEDOM is HERE!!! 😀
The Ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting Joy will crown their heads. Gladness and Joy will overtake them!
-Isaiah 51:11