***CLICK HERE to Check Out the NEW Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2021 post***

Ever since the Revelation 12 Sign on September 23rd, 2017, I kept asking the Lord to reveal to me when he was coming and on October 18th, 2017, the Lord gave me a vision of this picture…

It consisted of 3 boxes that were side-by-side and had a curved line spanning the top of nearly all 3 boxes.  The line began at the top left-hand corner of the 1st box on the left, it spanned over the whole middle 2nd box, and stopped at the middle of the 3rd box on the right.  I could also see a circle at the top right-hand corner of each box.  However, I could not see what was within each circle, but in my Spirit I knew that they were numbers!  Inside the middle 2nd box I could see clearly the word “coming” with a period beside it!

I knew immediately that this vision was prophetic so I drew a quick picture of it in my notebook!  As I began to analyze the picture more closely, these 3 boxes reminded me of 3 days you would normally see on a calendar with the dates circled within each one.   At the time, I really could not understand what this vision meant, so I laid down the thought of it for a while…

At the beginning of February 2018, the Lord revealed a lot more information to me in regard to the Jubilee year which I disclosed in the Year of Jubilee 2017-2018 post.  If you have not already read that exciting post, please check it out before reading any further, because it covers a lot of foundational information that I will only briefly speak about here!

What the Lord revealed to me in the Year of Jubilee 2017-2018 post is that 1 Biblical year is in all actuality equivalent to 360 days!  The Year of Jubilee began on the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar (September 30th, 2017), so 360 days from this date brings us to September 24th, 2018!  Consequently, the Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the heavens on September 23rd, 2017!  So my conclusion was that the Rapture would more than likely happen at midnight on September 23rd, 2018, because it would officially be September 24th, 2018 (the very last day of the Jubilee Year)!

After the Lord gave me insight into all this information about the timeframe of the Jubilee Year and the Rapture, one day I was flipping back through my notebook and came across the picture of the 3 boxes (pictured above) that the Lord showed me back in October 2017 and it sent me on another treasure hunt!  I wanted to see what these boxes looked like on the Jewish calendar and if they actually aligned with the timeframe the Lord revealed to me for the Rapture to take place, so I went to TorahCalendar.com and this is what I discovered…

As you can see above, the 3 boxes that have blue circles around the dates 13, 14, and 15 are the dates that I circled on this Jewish calendar that perfectly fit around our Gregorian date of September 24th, 2018 (which you can see written in tiny black letters at the bottom of the second box).  Notice these boxes are all side-by-side just like what I saw in my vision!

Now I want to draw your attention to the first box on the far left circled 13 and notice in this box that it has written in bold letters: Fall Equinox.

The Fall Equinox is when the summer season is literally transitioning into the fall (autumn) season.  The reason why this is significant is because Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets (the beginning of the New Year and supposed window of time for the Rapture) is widely known to Jewish people as the 1st fall feast day!  Yet, where is Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / New Year actually being celebrated on this calendar???  On September 11th, 2018 – before the Fall Equinox!  That means that it is being celebrated in the summer, not in the fall!  Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / New Year cannot be celebrated until after the Fall Equinox occurs because it is a fall feast day!  Thus, we can also know that the New Year is being declared too early!  So the year 5778 on the Jewish calendar should remain the same until after the Fall Equinox transition! The reason why it is imperative that 5778 remain the same is because this particular year holds the highest significance to most Jewish people as being the year of The Return of The Messiah with the numbers 5778 signifying New Beginnings!

Additionally, does anyone other than me find it a little ironic that out of all the days on the Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / New Year is celebrated on September 11th, 2018 (9/11)?!!  I find that day to be pretty significant to many people and I do not believe there are any coincidences when God is trying to specifically point out the timeframe of the Rapture to his people!  Furthermore, since there are no coincidences with God, isn’t it interesting how the 2nd and 3rd circled boxes mark the beginning of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)?!!  And what is Exciting is that we might very well be tabernacling with our Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach in heaven at this very same time!

Personally, I believe that Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets officially begins on the day of the Fall Equinox (beginning at sunset September 22nd, 2018)!  Since Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets usually lasts for a period of 48 hours, that would cover an entire 2 days beginning at the Fall Equinox!  When determining a 24 hour day on the Jewish calendar, one must go from sunset to sunset.  So let’s see where this takes us…

Starting on the day of the Fall Equinox:

September 22nd, 2018 (sunset) to September 23rd, 2018 (sunset) = 1 day (24 hours)

 September 23rd, 2018 (sunset) to September 24th, 2018 (sunset) = 1 day (24 hours)

                                                                                                                           2 days (48 hours)

By this calculation we can know the timeframe of Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / New Year and that it spans from sunset September 22nd, 2018 to sunset September 24th, 2018!  If you look where sunset September 24th, 2018 ends on this calendar, you will see that it lands right in the middle of the 3rd box!  So basically, the timeframe of Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / New Year will in all actuality span the entire 1st box, the entire 2nd box, and only half of the 3rd box!  And that is PRECISELY what the Lord showed me in my vision!!!

Yet what is the Most Exciting about the vision the Lord gave me is that in the 2nd box was the word “Coming.”  The 2nd box on this Jewish calendar goes from sunset September 23rd, 2018 to sunset September 24th, 2018!  So when would midnight September 23rd, 2018 (the time that I predicted would be the time of the Rapture in the Jubilee 2017-2018 post) occur???  Right between these times!  AMAZING!!!

But that is not all folks!

Back on 9/23/17 (the day of the Revelation 12 Sign), my twin sister and I were expectantly watching and waiting the entire day for the Rapture to happen at any moment!  As the day gradually turned to nighttime, we wanted to be Wide Awake for the Lord and found expectantly watching and waiting for him, ready to hear the Trumpet Sound calling us home to heaven!  We were sitting on my bed individually praying to the Lord in the Spirit and while I had my eyes closed, the Lord gave me a vision of a green exit sign that had “3C” written on it in white letters, just like a highway exit sign.

At first I could not understand what this vision meant, but after 9/23/17 passed and the rapture did not happen, I was pretty disappointed and asked the Lord what he meant by this exit sign he showed me that night.  In my Spirit I felt as if the Lord was trying to say that the Revelation 12 Sign was just like an exit sign signaling to his people that the exit (Rapture) is coming up ahead!  As I mulled over this some more it made more and more sense.

Just think about it…

If you never had exit signs on the highway preparing you for what is coming up ahead, then you would never be prepared for the actual exit and you would miss it!  And the same goes with the Revelation 12 Sign!  It was a sign letting us know what time it is so that we will all be Waking Up, trimming our lamps, and getting prepared as the Bride of Christ to be Raptured up to heaven to meet our King Jesus (Yeshua HaMashiach) in the air!  And in addition, the Lord had me know in the Spirit when seeing this vision of the “3C” exit sign that it was going to be our exit for the Rapture!  Hallelujah!!

After the Lord revealed to me that 1 Biblical year is equivalent to 360 days and that we are getting raptured out at this “3C” exit sign, I put two and two together and made an equation out of it:

3C = 360

And if you do the math to figure out the number of C, you get:

360/3 = 120

The number 120 is extremely significant according to the Bible and it also holds prophetic end-times significance!

In Genesis 6:3, the Lord God said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be 120 years.”

In Deuteronomy 34:7, Moses lived to be 120 years old before he passed on and the rest of the Israelites crossed over into the Promised Land.

In Acts 1:15, 120 people were gathered in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down upon them like tongues of fire.

And there are 120 Jubilees fulfilling the number of years of man on earth!

Now you may ask: How do you know for sure that 120 Jubilees fulfill the number of years of man on earth??


1 Jubilee = 50 years

120 x 50 years (1 Jubilee) = 6,000 years of man!

The Bible says 1,000 years are like a day and a day like 1,000 years…

It took 6 days for God to create the world and everything in it and on the 7th day, he rested.  So 6 days of creation times 1,000 is 6,000 years and it is the number of years for a man!

The 7th day is for rest, so the last 1,000 years is the Millennial Reign where all believers will finally be resting with our Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach!

So ultimately, what I believe the Lord is trying to reveal through all he has shown me is that we will be exiting in the Rapture at this “3C” exit sign which stands for 3 calendar days (spanning the period of Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / New Year), where it will be the end of 360 days (a full Biblical year – Jubilee Year) as well as the culmination of 120 Jubilees – 6,000 years of man on earth!

Now how AMAZING is that?!!  WOW!!!  All of this is Absolutely mind-blowing!

Lastly, I would like for you to take one more look at the Jewish calendar where the blue square is outlining the word: Ha‘azinu.  I find it rather interesting that right before this timeframe for the Rapture, the Sabbath day teaching is on Ha’azinu, which means “Give Ear.”  And what that sounds like to me is “Listen Up!  This is important!”  Yet the Lord specifically told Ezekiel that the rebellious have ears to hear, but they do not hear (Ezekiel 12:2)!  In sharp contrast to this we read in Revelation 2 and 3 the letters that John wrote to the churches saying, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”  This means that the only ones who really have ears to hear are those who have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them because they can hear what the Spirit is saying!  And the only ones who have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them are the Church – the Bride of Christ – who will be raptured home very soon!

Could it be that the Lord is trying to speak to his children who actually have ears to hear (the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them) in order to Awaken them out of this world and prepare them for the Rapture that is rapidly approaching us??  I certainly believe so!!  The Lord has confirmed to me numerous times in various ways through the Holy Spirit that the Rapture is just up ahead of us and I pray that he also confirms it to you so that you can be taking this time to prepare yourself and others around you for this Jubilee Rapture that is nigh at hand!

Happy Jubilee Rapture 2018!!!  We’re going home very soon!  Hallelujah!!