6,000 Years Of Creation

6,000 Years Of Creation

October 17, 2018

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

– 2 Peter 3:8


Isn’t it Amazing that we can determine the clock set for all creation based on scripture alone?!  In the Beginning, the Lord created the world and everything in it in only 6 days!  However, we read in 2 Peter that 1 day is equivalent to 1,000 years!  Thus, we know the time span for the existence of all creation is 6 times 1,000… which is 6,000 total years!  Since the Bible specifically outlines the lifespans of all the descendants of Noah, many have tried to calculate when the ending of this 6,000 years will be.  There have been many speculations, yet one thing is for certain…  The Lord knows Precisely when this 6,000 years is up and he has set the hands of this unmovable clock that can never be altared!  Nobody can slow it down or speed it up!  So when this clock of 6,000 years of creation is up, TIME’S UP!  That is why it is vital for us all to be ready Right Now for the Rapture!  We don’t need to depend on someone’s calculation of time, because what if they are wrong and the Rapture happens Sooner than we think?  We, as God’s creation, need to be ready for his coming as if he is coming Today at this Very moment!  We do not need to hesitate and wait around to make sure we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for the Day of Redemption!  We need to know that NOW!  This 6,000 years of creation might very well be coming to a close… Are YOU Ready for the Rapture???  If not, you need to make sure you have been saved through True heart repentance, baptized in water for the remission of sins, and filled up with the Holy Spirit – asking God in prayer for the evidential gift of tongues!  Take the time to do this Now – Not Later, because there may not be a Later!  This set clock of 6,000 years of creation is ticking away…  Are you ready to be CALLED UP when TIME’S UP?!!