A Heart To Know God

A Heart To Know God

October 16, 2018

“My eyes will watch over them for their good, and I will bring them back to this land.  I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them.  I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord.  They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.”

– Jeremiah 24:6-7


Does it feel like the enemy is trying to tear you down?  The Lord has completely changed your heart and you are finally living for him in full obedience to the calling he has placed on your life, but now the enemy is trying to tear you down and prevent you from doing anything for him!  It seems like the enemy is using people in your family, your closest friends and loved ones to hinder you from doing what the Lord is clearly telling you to do for him!  You never used to have this kind of opposition from your family, closest friends, and loved ones when you lived like the world, pursuing your own plans for your own life.  Now that the Lord has radically changed you, you can clearly see who is really living for the Lord and who is not!  Whenever you step out to do anything for the Lord, now you expect nothing but harsh criticism, rebuke, and lashings from people you never imagined would attack you – even those who call themselves believers in Jesus!!!  Yet you know for certain they are not following the Lord because they are not following the Holy Spirit, otherwise they would agree with you, because you are!  You can also tell they do not have the Holy Spirit in them because of all the perverse things that come pouring out of their mouth every time you are around them… They do not bear good fruit!  Now it seems like all they do is watch and wait to pounce on you whenever you get attacked by the enemy, kicking you when you are down, and rubbing your face in the dirt!  They fully intend on tearing you down whenever they get the opportunity.  But I want you to know today that the Lord is the very opposite from the way they are treating you!  The Lord is ever Loving, ever Constant, and ever True!  The Lord’s compassion for you far outweighs any harsh thing they could ever do to you!  The Lord’s love plants you, it does not uproot you!  The Lord’s love builds you, it does not tear you down!  The Lord is for you, he is not against you!  The Lord truly loves you, he does not hate you!  He will never leave you, turn his back on you, or forsake you!  He is on your side 100 percent all the time!  The Lord’s eyes watch over you constantly for your good, not for your demise!  The Lord’s promise is that he will assuredly bring you back to the land!  He will plant you!  He will not uproot you!  He will build you!  He will not tear you down!  He will give you a heart to know him!!  You will be his people and he will be your God!  For you will return to the Lord your God with all your heart and nothing in this world is going to stop it!