Always Before Us

Always Before Us

October 16, 2018

I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

– Psalm 16:8


Today, do you feel like a sail tossed back and forth in the wind or a boat on the high seas with no anchor?  You are trying to keep up with all the demands of this world, but it is leaving you feeling worn and ragged.  All you need is some stability… something to lean on… something to cling to so you can renew your strength; a refuge or firm foundation to stand on!  Just know today that your refuge does exist and his name is Jesus!  He is your firm foundation!  He is the anchor for your soul!  You will find your rest and your strength in him!  The Lord’s promise for those who believe in him is that he is constantly at their right hand!  That means you do not have that far to reach because he is right next to you!  All you have to do is reach out for him and he will take you by the hand!  You might be feeling unglued right now with nothing to hold onto, but just know that when you cling to Jesus and put your trust in him, he will make you unmovable!  That is the confidence we have in him!  Jesus makes us unshakeable in this world full of uncertainty!  And that is why we set him always before us and never behind us!  Choose to cling to Jesus today and set him always before you because he is your confidence, your reassurance, and your firm foundation!  He will see you through it all!