Appointed Day Of Deliverance

Appointed Day Of Deliverance

October 18, 2018

At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise.  There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.  But at that time your people – everyone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered.

– Daniel 12:1


Did you know that there is coming an appointed day of deliverance known as the Rapture for those who have accepted Jesus (Yeshua) into their heart and are filled with the Holy Spirit??  This appointed day is described in Daniel chapter 12, which contains prophetic end-times clues as to how close we actually are to the Rapture!  When we read this passage of scripture describing a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then, we know that we are Most Definitely nearing the end of the age!  Yet Daniel says that at that time, everyone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered!  Delivered how??  Delivered up to heaven in the Rapture!  Yet how are we to know exactly where we are sitting at right now on the end-times prophetic timeline??  How close are we to the Rapture of the Church, the body of Christ?  Well, there is a clue at the beginning of this passage of scripture in Daniel that says that at that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise!  This is key, because if we go to the prophetic last book of the Bible known as Revelation, the only place where Michael is mentioned is in Revelation chapter 12!  In this passage of scripture in Revelation we read that right after the male child birthed from the pregnant woman is snatched up to God, the woman flees to a place in the desert prepared for her by God to be taken care of for 1,260 days and there is war in heaven.  Michael and his angels fight against the dragon and his angels and overcome them!  So Michael is protecting God’s people (Israel) who is symbolic of the woman who flees into the desert for 1,260 days, so the ultimate question here is: Who is the male child who gets snatched up to God before the war in heaven takes place between Michael and the dragon??  None other than the Church, the body of Christ!  Since the Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the heavens on 9/23/17, the next thing to happen is the Rapture!  Are YOU ready for this appointed day of Deliverance?!!