Be Still And Know He Is God

Be Still And Know He Is God

October 16, 2018

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

– Psalm 46:10


Are there times when you are past feeling overwhelmed with your life and your circumstances?  It feels like you are going through this major storm with things coming at you left and right and you just don’t know what to do.  You feel like you can barely hang on!  In those times it is easy to get your eyes off of the Lord and onto every single thing that is going wrong in your life.  Everything that comes out of your mouth becomes a complaint about something that is not going right.  Well, let me just say, the Lord does not want to keep you there!  He does not want you to stay unhappy with your circumstances and every single little thing in your life.  When you get into times like these, the Lord wants to remind you of just how blessed you are and he wants to shift your focus off of yourself and all your problems.  The Lord might put someone in your path who has fallen on hard times and needs help from you!  He devises times for you to be a blessing to someone else so that you quickly realize just how blessed you are and you become thankful to God for all that he has given you.  Yet ultimately, the Lord wants to meet you right in the middle of your storm to comfort you and to calm you.  In these moments where you feel completely undone, he just wants to hold you… He just wants you to be still.  The Lord knows how much you can bear, yet sometimes we can allow our circumstances to dictate our emotions and how we feel and our feelings can try to get the upper hand.  In these moments, he wants you to invite him into the middle of your storm to embrace you and quiet you with his love till you simply know that he is God and he is in control of it all.  He will reassure you that everything is going to be okay, just be still in his loving arms.