Deep Calls To Deep

Deep Calls To Deep

October 18, 2018

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.

– Psalm 42:7


Does it feel like you are trying to stand up underneath a roaring waterfall or you are trying to hold your breath as massive waves and breakers relentlessly crash over you??  You just want some relief from all that is coming your way in life!  And you find yourself crying out to the Lord even Louder because of all the things that seem to be coming against you that are out of your control!  Just know today that you are not alone and that the Lord sees what you are going through!  Even though you don’t understand why all this opposition is coming your way, just ask yourself whether or not you are recieving this opposition because of doing what the Lord is telling you to do for him or not.  If you are getting this kind of opposition because of doing something that is not for the Lord and the Lord is not telling you to do it for him, then you need to ask yourself, why are you still doing it?  Because if it is not from the Lord, then the Lord obviously has nothing to do with it…  However, if you are getting opposition because you are doing exactly what the Lord is telling you to do for him, then you can rest assured that the opposition that you are experiencing is coming directly from the enemy to try to get you to stop what you are doing for the Lord!  There is a reason why the Word of God encourages us to keep fighting the Good fight, because it is a struggle!  And if you are not recieving some kind of opposition for doing what the Lord has specifically told you to do for him, then I would question whether or not the Lord really wants you to do that for him!  Yet, we must realize that these constant struggles are not anything compared to what the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) had to endure for us on the cross!  And the Lord wants to teach us that we can do absolutely nothing without him!  If we had things easy, the Lord knows we would not walk in true humility and thankfulness for all he has done for us!  This struggle is hard, but just remember that Jesus (Yeshua) is Greater!  Even though we don’t understand everything now, one day we are going to completely understand every struggle and every tear we’ve shed… and guess what???  It’s gonna be worth it all!  Deep calls to deep!