Do Not Lose Heart

Do Not Lose Heart

October 16, 2018

And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

– Galatians 6:9


Do you feel worn down and weary from doing exactly what the Lord has told you to do for him?  You have heard the Lord clearly on what he wants you to do in life and have picked up that cross and started carrying it… but now you are feeling the weight of that cross and it is getting pretty heavy!  You just don’t know how much further you can continue to carry this cross the Lord has specifically designed for you to carry and you find yourself crying out to God under all this weight nearly every single day reminding him about it!  At times you feel like the Lord has completely forgotten about you and left you to fend for yourself as you carry this cross for him!  Today, just know that the Lord has not forgotten about you!!  He Loves You!!  He sees the cross you are carrying for him and he is proud of You!  And believe it or not, he is cheering you on towards the finish line just up ahead!  He doesn’t want You to give up now, because he sees that you only have a little ways to go!!  On top of that, Galatians 6:9 encourages us to not grow weary in doing good for the Lord, because soon and very soon we shall reap a harvest of souls for the Lord and his honor… and what a Glorious Day that will be!  So today, Do Not Lose Heart, but instead, Take heart and know that you only have a little ways to go and Jesus is cheering you on towards that finish line!  Keep your eyes on him and he will see you through it!