First Christians At Antioch

First Christians At Antioch

October 17, 2018

So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people.  The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

– Acts 11:26


Do you know who the first Christians were or where Christianity actually began?  Well, I can tell you, there is much deception around this topic!  And I would like to shed some light on this subject so that you can know the Absolute Truth according to the Bible!!  I once encountered a fellow who said that he was Catholic and he went on to say that Catholics were the first Christians!  Well, I would like to bust this lying deception from the enemy Wide Open!!  And the way to properly do that is by going straight to the source of Truth, the Word of God!  If you go to Acts 11:26, it plainly says that the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch!  The church in Antioch began as a result of Jews from Jerusalem being scattered to various places due to Stephen’s persecution.  They traveled all the way to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, only telling Jews the message.  However, some of the men from Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch and started speaking to Greeks as well, telling them the good news of Jesus (Yeshua), and many came to believe in the Lord.  So this proves 100 percent that Christianity did not begin at all with the Roman Catholic church, rather Christianity began as far back as the Jewish disciples of Jesus (Yeshua HaMashiach)!!!  The good news of Jesus (Yeshua) was not even given to the Roman Catholic church, rather, it was given directly to the church in Antioch!  The reason why is because the Roman Catholic church did Not even exist until after the time of Jesus (Yeshua) and his Jewish disciples!  So this is a Sharp Warning to stay Far Far Away from the Catholic church, which no longer has Roman at the beginning anymore because it has been altered to deceive people, allowing them to believe that it is no longer connected to the Roman government, which has consistently persecuted the Jewish people throughout all of history – even during Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) time – and is a tangled web of lies straight from the enemy himself!  Do not fall for their idolatry, paganism, and mass deception, instead, combat them with the Word of God, which is the Word of Truth!!