From East To West

From East To West

October 16, 2018

As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

– Psalms 103:12


Isn’t it Amazing how the Word of God promises us that the Lord has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west?!!  That means that he has removed our sins for all time Forever because the distance between east and west is Infinite!  There is no way to measure it because there are no limits to it.  It is never-ending!  It never stops!  It’s just like someone giving you the challenge to travel from east to west and try to come to the end…  Well that is absolutely Impossible!  There is no end to it!  And you would be heading West for the rest of your life! Lol!  That just goes to show you just how merciful our Lord God is and how much he has done for each and every one of us!  He loves us so much that he has wiped away all of our sin for all time and that is something to Praise him for!  So lift up your hands Today and give him all the glory, honor, and praise for all that he has done for YOU!