Fullness In Christ

Fullness In Christ

October 16, 2018

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

– Colossians 2:9-10


Do you feel broken today??  Does your life and your heart feel completely shattered in a million pieces from everything that you have had to endure in this life?  You need something Real to hold onto because you have nothing and no one to run to for help.  Every person in your life has let you down, left you, and rejected you and you need something more real than everything you have ever known.  Just know today that there is someone who IS Real and who Loves You with All of his heart… His name is Jesus (Yeshua)!  We have a promise written in the Word of God that says that our Savior Yeshua lives in bodily form!  That means he is as Real as You and Me and everyone else in this world!  All the fullness of our Lord and Savior resides in a physical body!  If you need a shoulder to cry on… Cry on Yeshua’s shoulder.  If you need someone to hold you and tell you everything is going to be okay… Allow Yeshua to come hold you in his warm embrace and find your rest in his loving arms.  If you need someone to tell you that they love you with all their heart… Let Yeshua whisper his gentle voice in your ears and tell you that he Loves you unconditionally Forever!  Yeshua will wipe all your tears away and will mend your broken heart.  You will find your fullness in him alone!  You may feel broken and shattered right now, but in Yeshua you will find your wholeness!  He will take every shattered piece and put you back together again to form a masterpiece for his glory!  You will find that the only way to be complete is in him!  You will regain your strength in Yeshua because he is higher than every power and authority in heaven and earth!  Every knee shall bow before him and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is Lord!  Find your fullness in him today!