He Never Leaves You Nor Forsakes You

He Never Leaves You Nor Forsakes You

October 16, 2018

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

– Hebrews 13:5


Do you love money or do you love God?  Do you have your eyes focused on the things in this world and what other people have around you to the point that you always see what you lack, but you are never content with what you have?  Do you consistently think about and stay concerned with buying new clothes, new gadgets, new cars, new houses, and the next-level technology so you can keep up with everyone in society?  If you answered “Yes” to these questions then you know that your focus is not on God, but on money… and that means that you love money more than you love God.  You might very well “say” that you love God as well as money, but the Word of God plainly states that you cannot love both!  Instead, you will choose one over the other!  If your focus is constantly on things in this world and buying new things, then your focus is on money!  And where your focus is located determines everything, because wherever your treasure is, your heart will be also!  If you treasure lies in things that you buy with money, then your heart is set on having more money to buy more things!  You will never be content with what you have when you love money because you will never have enough!  When you truly love God, you may not have everything you want or desire, but you are content with what you have, because you are not focused or concerned with keeping up with everyone else in the world and having everything that they have!  When you really love God, you are focused on him and pleasing him… you are no longer concerned with keeping up with the world and pleasing everyone in society!  God wants you to find your treasure in him, not the things of this world, like money!  He wants you to be content with what you have so that you can be thankful and grateful for all that he has blessed you with!  If you can never be content, then you can never see how much you are blessed by God!  God wants to be all you need, not things, because he knows that all the things in this world are empty; they will pass away and will be as nothing.  Like chaff in the wind, all the things in this world will burn up and blow away!  God knows that the things in this world will one day leave you and forsake you, but he promises you that he will never leave you… nor will he ever forsake you!  You are dearly loved by him!