He Turns My Darkness Into Light

He Turns My Darkness Into Light

October 18, 2018

You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

– Psalm 18:28


Do you feel like you are going through the darkest place of your life??  You are battling several things and you just don’t know how you’ll ever make it through any of them!  You don’t have the solution on how to escape any of these things in your life!!  You constantly pray and cry out to the Lord, wondering if he even hears you!  Just know, that the Lord certainly hears every single one of your cries to him!  And he is making a way out for you!  Yet, the reason why the Lord has you where you are is that there are valuable lessons that you need to learn and take away from the things you are going through!  You might think to yourself, “What could the Lord possibly be trying to teach me through all this I am going through?”  Even though you don’t understand it all right now, you will understand it later!  The one thing the Lord wants to teach you is that he can meet you right where you are in the darkest places of your life!  The Lord is the only one who can keep your lamp burning instead of fizzling out!  He can turn your darkness into Light!