His Words Will Never Pass Away

His Words Will Never Pass Away

October 18, 2018

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

– Matthew 24:35


It’s Wonderful to know that we have the steadfast promise from Jesus (Yeshua) himself stating that his Words will Never pass away!  That means all of heaven and earth will pass away, but He will Never!  What promise we have in Jesus (Yeshua)!!  We can fully hope and trust in is Word of Truth because we can fully hope and trust in him!  This scripture gives me the reasurrance that no matter what happens, when I cling to Jesus (Yeshua), then I am holding on to something substantial that will never fade!  Everything else in this world will get burned up and become chaff in the wind, but when I am holding on to Jesus (Yeshua), then I am holding on to Everlasting Eternal Life!  Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) Words are like firmly implanted nails connecting us to him that can never be driven out no matter what happens!  Everything else may disappear, but Jesus (Yeshua) will Never disappear!  He will remain even after everything else fades!  I can put my wholehearted trust and assurance in him, because his words will Never pass away!