Jesus Is The Door

Jesus Is The Door

October 16, 2018

I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

– John 10:9


Isn’t it interesting how the Lord Jesus calls himself a door in scripture?  Yet the Word of God says that Jesus is not just any door… He is THE door!  And this is Key because there may be many doors that people try to enter, but he is the Only One in which everyone Must go through in order to be Saved!  Now that is POWERFUL!!  This means that the only ones who will be saved out of this world and will enter into heaven are those who believe in Jesus!  There is no other way!!  The Lord did not say in his Word that you can pick and choose any door you want to go through and you will still make it to heaven… NO!!!  The world may teach you that you can still make it to heaven even if you don’t believe in Jesus, but that is a complete lie from the enemy and it does not line up with what the Bible says at all!  The Lord does say that those who enter in through him will go in and out and find pasture…just like sheep!  We become the sheep of his flock when we believe in Jesus and he becomes our Good Shepherd!  Even in Bible times, the shepherd of the flock would physically lay down at the entrance of the sheep pen so that his body literally became the door and he would keep vigilant watch over his sheep by night so that he could protect them from all harm.  In the same way, the Lord Jesus vigilantly watches over you when you come to believe in him and become one of the sheep within his flock.  Jesus will become THE door for you!