Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept

October 16, 2018

Jesus Wept.

– John 11:35


Did you know that this verse in scripture is the shortest verse in the whole entire Bible?  Yet something so small makes a profound Impact in the way that we view our Messiah…  After Jesus (Yeshua) heard about Lazarus, he traveled to see him and upon his arrival Mary Magdalene hurriedly went to meet him along with some other Jewish people.  When Jesus saw her weeping over her brother as well as the other Jews who were with her, he was deeply moved in spirit and he began to weep.  Weeping is a human emotion that we can all relate to and to know that we have a loving Savior who empathizes with us and weeps with us is so comforting and reassuring!  Knowing that our Savior can relate to us on such a personal level helps us realize just how much he truly loves and cares about us!  Seeing how Jesus can relate to us in such a personal way allows us to relate to him on a much deeper level so that we can draw even more closer to him to come to know his heart for us!  Jesus Wept…  Isn’t it Amazing how words so small can mean so much!  Jesus continues to use the smallest things, even in his Word, to leave an indelible mark on all of our hearts!