Jesus (Yeshua) – The Cornerstone

Jesus (Yeshua) – The Cornerstone

October 17, 2018

Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written: “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?  Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.”

– Luke 20:17-18


Isn’t it Awesome to know that when Jesus (Yeshua) went to the temple courts to teach about the stone the builders rejected to all the Jewish people gathered there – even to the chief priests and teachers of the law- he was speaking about himself?!  Jesus’ audience had no idea that the stone that he was referring to was really him!!  And what Jesus was trying to explain to all of them was that he was the very one they would reject!  Yet he went on to say something profound…  The stone the builders rejected would become the Cornerstone!  If we think about the construction of a building, the most necessary part is the foundation!  If there is no strong foundation, then there will not be a building for long!  That building will come down with Crash!!  What is more, if we examine the importance of a cornerstone, it makes up the foundation, but it also holds the weight of everything built on top of it!  If the cornerstone of a building is removed from its place, the whole entire building will collapse!  And that is exactly what happens to us without Jesus (Yeshua)!!  He IS the Chief Cornerstone!  Yet Jesus went on to say something even more Interesting…  He said that everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed!  What was Jesus trying to say??  Jesus was trying to reveal that everyone who comes to him will feel broken and shattered, yet they will find hope and salvation in him.  On the other hand, those on whom his wrath falls will be crushed!  So those who fall on Jesus may be broken to pieces, yet they will be fashioned into precious stones used to build God’s spiritual temple, while those on whom God’s wrath falls will be destroyed.  So fall on Jesus (Yeshua) today…  He will catch you, because He is Your Chief Cornerstone!