Kept In God’s Love

Kept In God’s Love

October 16, 2018

But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.  Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

– Jude 1:20-21


Did you know that there is a way to keep yourself in God’s love until he comes to bring you to eternal life?  Yes, there is!  We are to build ourselves up in our most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit!  Well, first you might ask… How do we build ourselves up in our most holy faith?  The Word of God says that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!  So that means that we need to be constantly reading, listening to, and absorbing the word into our hearts so it will build up our trust in the Lord and eventually our Faith in the Lord.  Our trust in the Lord has to first be established before we can have true Faith in the Lord.  It’s just like the principle of all relationships: you must first come to know and trust that person first before you can truly have the Faith to open up to them and tell them more about yourself.  That is the same concept with the Lord.  You must come to know him and trust him first.  The only way to do that is to get into the Word of God and find out more about his character and how he loves you unconditionally.  Then as you come to know it in your mind, over time you will come to believe it in your heart.  Eventually, after leaning on him and trusting him and his word in all situations within your life you will begin to build your Faith in him!  Additionally, we are to pray in the Holy Spirit!  Praying in the Holy Spirit Most definitely consists of speaking in tongues, because speaking in tongues is our prayer language that the Holy Spirit speaks through us to God.  And this is very powerful and effective prayer!  Praying in your own language is good, but it is praying with your mind and not entirely with the Holy Spirit!  Praying in tongues allows the Holy Spirit to speak through you to God!  Only God can interpret what the Holy Spirit is saying because it is only spiritually discerned… that means the enemy cannot infiltrate you prayers, because only God can understand what God speaks!  And who knows our hearts better than God who is living inside of us through the Holy Spirit??  So tap into the Word of God and The Holy Spirit and allow both to come dwell within you and flow through you richly because both are extremely important!  They will keep you in God’s love until he comes!