Knock And The Door Will Open

Knock And The Door Will Open

October 11, 2018

“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

-Matthew 7:7-8


When you go to visit someone at their house and knock on their door, chances are they will open to you, even if they are strangers and don’t know you from Adam.  So how much more will your Heavenly Father open the door to you when he sees you knocking?!  You are no stranger to him!  He sees every intricate detail of you – every hair on your head- that is how much he knows you and loves you!  Don’t you know he is sitting on the edge of his throne in excited anticipation of jumping up and doing something for you?!!  If you would only ask him!  There is no doubt he wants to bless you!  In fact, he wants to open the floodgates of heaven and start pouring down the blessings on your life, if you would only allow him to!  All he is wanting is for you to simply ask and you will receive!  It’s not complicated!  All he is wanting is for you to simply seek him and you will find him!  It’s not a mathematical formula!  All he is wanting is for you to simply knock and the door will be opened to you!  It’s not rocket science!  It’s just that simple!  God made it so simple that a child can get it!  So knock on God’s door today and be richly blessed!