Lead Me To The Rock Higher Than I

Lead Me To The Rock Higher Than I

October 16, 2018

From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

– Psalm 61:2


Do you feel overwhelmed with your life today?  It seems like one thing right after the next keeps happening to you and you wonder when you are ever going to get a break!  In your heart, you feel so overwhelmed with everything going on in your life that you just don’t know if you can take anymore!  It seems like you have just about reached your breaking point and you do not know where to turn.  Just know that the Lord loves you!  He cares about you and everything that you are going through!  The Lord does not want you to feel overwhelmed about anything!  He wants you to cast your cares on him instead of wearing yourself out over things you have absolutely no control over.  The Lord wants you to realize that when you look to him as your Rock, you are placing him higher than yourself and all the things going on in your life.  He wants you to come to the place where you put him in full control of your life and are not allowing the things in your life to control you.  And when you finally reach that place you will assuredly say unto God, “Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”