No Turning Back

No Turning Back

October 17, 2018

“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

– Luke 9:62


Have you decided to follow Jesus (Yeshua HaMashiach)?  You know that the Lord has placed a calling on your life to do something for him and you have received confirmation of it through the Holy Spirit!  Yet the Lord wants to bring you to a place where you realize it is all or nothing with him!  He wants all of you or nothing!  You are either all in with with his plans for your life or you are all out!  The Lord is going to tell you that there is no more grey area with him.  It’s either black or white.  Now which side are you going to choose?  Because this scripture says that no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God!  You will have to cut off everything pulling you in the opposite direction because there is no way that you can go forward with the Lord and be looking back at the same time!  It’s just impossible!  That means if your friends are pulling you from the Lord’s calling, you’re going to have to cut them off!  If your boyfriend or girlfriend is pulling you from the Lord’s calling, you’re going to have to cut them off!  Even if your family is pulling you from the Lord’s calling, you’re going to have to cut them off!  That means, if anything at all is pulling you from the Lord’s calling, the Lord is going to compel you to cut them off from your life!  There is no way around that!  You cannot keep something in your life that keeps pulling you in the opposite direction from the Lord and his calling on your life.  Otherwise, the Lord will cut you off!  And do you really want that?  The Lord is your life!!  You cannot choose everything in this world and forfeit your life!  You cannot risk that!  You’re either for God or you’re against him!  And if you do not choose the Lord over this world, the Lord will turn against you and fight you like an enemy!  Now do you even possibly think you stand any chance against God??  NO WAY!!!  He is the breath of life within you!  So just know today, you’re going to have to lose a lot in this life in order to gain the Lord, but you will gain everything – even your life – by choosing God!