Nothing Too Hard For God

Nothing Too Hard For God

October 16, 2018

Then came the Word of the Lord unto Jeremiah, saying, Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?

– Jeremiah 32:26-27


Today are you going through something really hard and you don’t know who to turn to for help?  Just know that there is someone who loves you very much that can help you and his name is Jesus!  Jesus calls himself the Word of God.  So that means that if you have the Word of God in your possession, then you need to be getting into the Word and allowing it to absorb into your heart, because God’s words are Life and hope.  The Lord told Jeremiah that he is the God of all flesh!  So that means that he is more than able to help us in any and every situation that we go through in life!  If you are going through something really difficult right now, just ask yourself the question: Is Anything too hard for God???  Even the Lord asked Jeremiah in scripture: Is Anything to hard for me?  This scripture proves that Absolutely nothing is too hard for God because he created it to be that way!  So if you are looking for someone to turn to, then turn to Jesus, because he can help you better than anyone else in this world!  Nothing is too hard for him!